January 13, 2014(dream)

Jan 13, 2015 19:55

I should have written this down hours ago...
Anyway,  what I remember is mostly characters that were all in a tournament of some sort,  we were all super hero like. I remember a guy.  He had rocky blueish skin and rock like hands they were slightly cold and rough but he was gentle and kind and my character seemed to like him. I remember trying to comfort him, but I don't remember why, I think I had feelings for him. He was on a couch, and I was sitting with him.  I seemed to be a fire element being. I never saw or used my powers in the dream but that is the sense I got from people around me. I only remember one other character, she had green skin, and I'm only slightly sure it was a she. They had a mask on.  I believe they're power had something to do with disguise. ... beside that I remember feelings, being safe and calm with the rock man even though he seemed sad and reserved.
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