your choice

Nov 05, 2006 10:09

You can spin around and around with a smile, or you can sit and sulk because you're going too fast. Maybe you'll be in some pain, maybe you'll be a tad sick, or even very sick, but you can still choose whether you want to take that in stride and laugh it off, or just give up, leave the ride, and sit by yourself. And you know, there's nothing wrong with sitting by yourself, if it's your thing. Some people do enjoy spending time to themselves as much as they enjoy spending time with others, but some people just love being around people, and they spend time by themselves to attempt to say something, but nothing really comes out, except maybe some childish screaming and pounding. I'd love to say that when I'm going 'round, there's never a frown, but let's be honest, very few people can say that. And there's nothing wrong with that. I think there's ways to deal with it though, and maybe each person does their own thing, as they should be doing what works for you. Me? I reach out and grab a friend, knowing that maybe they're just as sick as I'm feeling, and even if they're not, they have been or will be and I know I can count on them, usually. Other people might turn to themselves, calming down, relaxing, relying on their own strength to get through. Yet others might go for a distract, anything to help them think of something other than the blindingly fast spinning colours. Like I said, you should be doing what works for might even reach for some golden brown. But try to think as if someone's following your life, taking snapshots everywhere...what would it look like? Would it be filled with shots of good times with loads of people? Would there be several pictures of tears? What about sentimental moments, satisfying connections that really mean something to you? What about just plain goofing off? Or, would you be brooding over soemthing that seemed monumental at the time, but later might seem just a tad trivial? Would these snapshots cause you to grieve, realizing all the horrible mistakes you've made, causing you to just give up? Or perhaps they would, in those mistakes, seem like a montage to just how much you've grown as a person, just how far you have gone?

Moments are a funny thing....they can be a couple seconds, they can be an entire weekend. Through moments, we experience everything, from the happiest to the depressing and everything in between. But moments are still moments...snapshots in time. You can always define a moment though. This is a great moment, this is a sad moment, this is an exhilirating moment, this is a proud moment. What type of moment have you experienced lately? What type of moment is this? A boring moment? A reflective moment? A confusing moment? It's really up to you. We are what we want to be, whether we willfully make us that way or not is the real question. Do you take time to make yourself what you want to be? Or do you change yourself out of frustration for things that have happened to you? Do you close off because you really are a closed person, or do you close off because you have been hurt ? Do you enjoy yourself, or are you a bitter person? Because you choose to be bitter, or you choose to love yourself. Personally, I have chosen the latter. What do you choose? It's up to you, and it's not something that you choose once and it's's an on going thing, filled with decisions and pain and joy all mixed in, that's why we're special.

As a great friend, and wise man once said to me...never stop growing.
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