(no subject)

Oct 02, 2006 15:14

University, and living in Residence, is GREAT. And one of the best things about it is temperature control. Do you, or someone else in your household do this thing where they're too hot or too cold, or the weather changes, and they change the heating/air conditioning in your house, and you end up freezing or being roasted alive as a result of error/misjudgement? Of course you do, that happens to everyone! But, here in residence, they have professionals that watch the weather and alter the temperature of Residence accordingly, so the temperature is always perfect.

Except, not.

In all actuality, they don't turn off the air conditioner until after Thanksgiving. Notice the period? Yeah, no matter what, Air Conditioning stays on unitl after Thanksgiving, which I'll note is this coming weekend. So, we're hitting subzero temperatures, and having frost fairly common, and yes, air conditioning is coming out of the vents.

Needless to say, it's a bit FREEZING where I am right now...almost makes me want to go home for thanksigivng...

Bahahaha! Who am I kidding?! Not even heating would make me want to go home to spend 3 days with my parents.
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