
Jul 22, 2010 00:11

Apparently I write well enough to be plagiarized. GO ME! xD


That fic's first chapter basically rewrites the last section of Chapter 1 of my fic Live By The Foma. It even takes some of the dialogue word for word, but mixes up certain details to try and hide the fact that they totes plagiarized me.

I'm actually amused more than anything :) People who plagiarize must be so desperate for praise that they'll take it secondhand by using someone else's stuff. Dude, nothing beats knowing that YOU wrote what's being praised, not someone else. Even the fics I write that not everyone likes, I still WROTE them. They're mine. I don't need praise, the idea of accomplishing something is worth writing it.

When will people learn that it's not the destination that matters but the journey? *sigh* Oh well. At least I got a laugh out of it =D

Props to the anon who pointed this out for me!

public, fanfiction

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