Fic: Pineapples on a Plane: Chapter 7

Jan 09, 2009 20:09

Title: Pineapples on a Plane
Chapter: 7/7
Author: nighthawkms (beta'd by candyflossrain and saavira)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crossover, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Slash, obscenity, slight crackiness
Pairing:(s) Shawn/Lassiter, hints of Gus/Juliet
Summary: After finding out that Juliet and Lassiter are taking a trip to Hawaii for a "seminar," Shawn and Gus decide to follow them, believing that the seminar is just a cover for something much more interesting. But after their plan goes awry, Shawn becomes a reluctant witness to the murder of a prosecutor. He, Gus, Lassiter, and Juliet take a flight home, but their ride is not what they expected. Now, they must work together to survive, and a few of them will reveal more than they thought they ever would in the process.
Disclaimer: Psych is the property of the USA network. I don't own it, I'm just playing in the 'verse!

Notes: FINAL CHAPTER! It's finished! Now you can all stop hating me! Er, hope you've enjoyed the story, dunno when I'll be writing Psych fic again but hopefully in the future.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Flynn had as many people as possible buckle into seats, strapping some into the flight attendant pull-down ones as well. For the rest, he went searching for ropes from the supply cabinets, having them tie themselves to the seat frames and the staircase railing. The plane continued to streak towards the ground; they needed to get into the cockpit desperately.

Gus and Flynn were the only two not fully strapped in somehow. They had tied ropes around their chests and looped them around a handgrip by the cockpit door, letting them be close enough to it when the time was right.

Somehow, in all the commotion, Shawn had found himself sitting with Lassiter in the seat to his left. The man was inspecting Three G’s gun, which he still held in his hand, and wasn’t saying anything to Shawn, who was getting uncomfortable at the silence between them. Finally, Shawn sighed. “Lassi?”

Lassiter looked over at him. “Yeah?”

“If we die, you know that Gus and I are gonna find you up at the Pearly Gates and keep solving crimes with you for all eternity, right?” He gave Lassiter an encouraging grin.

Lassiter smiled back. “Of course; knew I couldn’t escape you anyway. And…” he paused. “I’m sorry about before; you’re right, I do get why you risked your life. Hell,” he said, face splitting into a surprisingly large smile for him, “you wouldn’t be the Shawn Spencer I know and like if you hadn’t pulled a stunt like that.”

“I’m touched; Lassi-face. Has your heart grown three sizes today?” Lassiter snorted and rolled his eyes at Shawn’s teasing tone. “And apology most readily accepted.” Shawn looked away to Gus and Flynn, checking if they were ready to go.

Suddenly, he felt a touch at his hand, and looked down to see Lassiter’s grasp slipping into his own. He glanced up at the other man, who now wore a determined look, and felt Lassiter give his hand a squeeze. Shawn returned the gesture with a slight smile, and their hands rested on the arm rest together as they both turned to look at Flynn and Gus once more.

Flynn gave a last look around the crowd, and then nodded to Lassiter. “Everybody, no matter what you do, don’t let go!” he shouted. Shawn snorted; yeah, like they were gonna do that. Flynn and Lassiter both hoisted the guns they held in their hands, and the crowd covered their ears as the two men fired at the same window.

After each launching multiple shots, they burst the window open, causing a rapid suction force of the cabin depressurizing. Pieces of the plane, small at first, began getting sucked out into the sky, the people staying secure in their seats or taught against the ropes holding them.

As the wall around the window began to break apart, the suction increased, pulling the inflatable raft out the hole; with items from downstairs following. They watched snakes flying by them, sucked out of the plane by the force of the air pressure.

Flynn reached out, grasping the cockpit door and throwing it open. Anything not tied down inside was sucked out, including the bodies of the pilots, and any snakes inside. When nothing more was being pulled through, he and Gus threw themselves into the room, and slammed the door behind them, cutting off the suction force and allowing them to move normally.

Gus lunged for the controls as Flynn sat in the other seat, “LAX, this is Pacific Air Flight 121. We have lost both pilots and are attempting a landing with a volunteer. Clear the airs around the landing strip immediately!”

They were still going down, cutting through cloud cover, as Gus strapped in and threw on a headset. He checked the gauges, realizing that Shawn was right; this was basically the same interface that was in the video game. Come on Burton, he thought, gripping the controls nervously. Pulling up on them with a swift tug, he attempted to get the plane out of its dive, Flynn anxiously watching him. The ground was coming up fast, and they had to speed down as much as they could.

It was up to Gus now.


Juliet took big, heaving gasps, trying to get enough air to fill her lungs. The de-pressurization of the cabin made it next to impossible to breathe, and her vision was starting to get hazy. Come on, Gus, she thought, staring at the cockpit door. You can do this!

Meanwhile, Lassiter was crushing Shawn’s hand in his grip, but the man didn’t mind; focusing on the pain let him keep awake. He kept his eyes trained firmly on the ceiling, not willing to glance at the giant gaping hole in the plane to his left. Oh god, if he made it out of this, he’d probably never step on a plane for the rest of his life. None of these people probably would.

Shawn suddenly felt Lassiter’s grip weaken, and saw the man slumping to the side out of the corner of his eye. He’d obviously passed out from oxygen deprivation, and Shawn pulled his hand out of Lassiter’s, wrapping his arm around the man’s shoulders and pulling him against Shawn’s side so he wouldn’t be pulled out of his seat. Shawn held tight, muttering whatever prayers his semi-conscious brain could remember.

Miraculously, the plane seemed to be losing speed, and had fully pressurized with the surrounding atmosphere, meaning that the suction force had stopped, though a roaring wind still moved throughout the cabin. Without the suction, Shawn could breathe again, and his focus returned.

Now he felt able to look out the hole, and saw the ground coming up to meet them. Shawn’s breath hitched in his throat as they got closer and closer, and…

The plane bumped up and down on its wheels, before settling firmly onto the tarmac. Shawn let out a rush of air as they slowed down, finally coming to a stop. They were safe. They were finally safe.

Shawn turned to Lassiter, slapping him lightly on the cheek to wake him up. The man’s eyes finally fluttered open, and he looked up woozily at Shawn. “So did we make it Spencer,” he croaked out, “or are we at the Pearly Gates?”

“We made it, Lassi! I knew Gus could do it! I wonder if this makes him a licensed pilot now…”

Lassiter snorted. “I think he’ll have to wait to get his wings, Spencer. If anyone who played that sim could be a pilot, then you would too, and we all know how that would turn out.”

Shawn grinned down at him. “I’m sure that you’d rather fly with me than go through this again.”

“That’s an offer I could take you up on, Spencer.”


“Got everything?”

“Not much to get,” Shawn said, face lighting up when he found his iPod wedged under a seat. “Everything got sucked out the hole.”

“Well,” said Flynn, leaning against the wall, “at least we all made it.” The group of five had stayed on the plane while the rest of the passengers exited and had been driven across the tarmac and back to the airport by baggage cars. Now they were waiting for the FBI vehicles to arrive to pick them up; gleaming black specks driving toward them in the distance.

Shawn followed Flynn down the spiral staircase to where Juliet, Lassiter, and Gus were waiting by the open cabin door. A bright yellow slide led from the door to the ground, inflated by an emergency switch in the plane. Shawn mused that Lassiter had been right about one thing; they’d needed information from the safety guidelines after all.

Shawn stepped to the edge of the slide, turning back around to face the group. “Whose up for Chinese after we get out of-“

He let out a shocked yell as a lone snake, having survived the suction process, dropped from the ceiling, landing squarely on his chest. Fangs sunk into his shirt, poisonous venom spurting out of them as the snake attempted a killing blow.

Lassiter watched in slow motion as Shawn flailed back, shocked eyes trained on the snake. Suddenly, gunshots rang out, and Shawn went tumbling out the plane door, rolling down the slide and landing on the ground with a sickening thump.

Stunned, Lassiter flung his gaze to Flynn, who was calmly aiming the smoking gun in his hands at where Shawn had been standing moments before. “You shot him, you bastard!” Lassiter shouted, mind blanking in rage. Flynn opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Lassiter had jumped out the door, following in Shawn’s path down to the ground.

He hit the ground and lunged up, dashing over to where Shawn lay, wheezing. “Spencer, Spencer!” Lassiter cried, kneeling by his side and shaking his shoulders. “Stay with me!”

“Lassi, there’s something I want to do before I die,” Shawn coughed out.

“What, Spencer, don’t-“

His words were cut off as Shawn reached up, grasping Lassiter by the shoulders and pulling him down, smashing their lips together. Lassiter gave a pitiful, aching moan, blood rushing away from his brain as a feeling of euphoria settled over him.

When Shawn pulled away, Gus, Juliet, and Flynn were standing around them, all wearing amused looks. Lassiter looked up at them, shocked and disgusted at how they could all seem to be so calm when Shawn was dying right in front of them!

“Detective Lassiter,” Flynn said, kneeling down across from him. “I think there’s something you should know.” Reaching down to Shawn’s shirt, he yanked it open, buttons snapping off in the process.

It took Lassiter a few moments to figure out why the two bullets that should have been in Shawn’s chest were instead flattened and barely lodged inside something that looked like black fabric. Then a light bulb went on in his brain. A… bulletproof vest?

Lassiter’s jaw dropped open, and he stared down at Shawn, face dropping to a glare when he realized something else. “You know you were wearing this, you asshole!” he shouted at Shawn. “You knew you weren’t dying!”

Shawn was grinning sheepishly up at him. “Um… April Fools?”

“Oh, you’re going to wish it was April.”

Shawn yelped. “Gussy, Jules, help me out here!”

Gus shook his head, chuckling. “I’m not getting involved in this. Come on Jules, this isn’t going to be pretty to watch.” Juliet grinned at him before winking at Shawn and turning, following Gus away across the tarmac. Flynn stood as well, following them and calling back, “we still need him Lassiter; you can kill him after the trial!”

Shawn whimpered and tried to get up, but Lassiter grasped his shoulder firmly, preventing him from doing so. Damn, Lassi had a strong grip. Oh god, he really was going to kill Shawn! This was it; Shawn had survived a plane disaster, he was going to be killed by a man whose most exciting hobby was fishing. This was so not the type of cool death Shawn had wished for.

Lassiter watched the three others walking away, backs to them, and Shawn saw Lassiter glancing around, as if looking for something. He seemed satisfied, as he looked back down at Shawn, and Shawn winced, getting ready. Here it comes…

He let out a surprised yelp as Lassiter’s lips came to press against his own again, enacting a harsher kiss than the previous one. Lassiter gripped Shawn’s shoulders as confused thoughts raced through the younger man’s mind, wondering how their relationship ever got this fucked up. God, they should’ve been a case study.

Lassiter finally pulled away, panting. “Don’t you ever,” he said, pointing in Shawn’s face, “scare me like that again, you got it?”


“Besides,” Lassiter said, face suddenly breaking into a smirk, “if you wanted to kiss me so badly, you should’ve worked up the courage to do it without a stupid cover story.”

Damn, the man was throwing Shawn’s own words back in his face. … Go Lassi!

Lassiter stood, holding out a hand to Shawn, who accepted it and stood slowly, the force of the bullets still stinging his chest. “Come on Spencer,” Lassiter said, draping an arm around the other man’s shoulder. “Let’s go get that Chinese you were talking about. And now you can’t get made at me for being possessive, so hah.”

Shawn’s face split into a grin, and he couldn’t help but laugh out loud. This had been the best vacation ever.

X-posted to shawn_lassiter psych_slash and psychfiction

crossover, psych, shawn/lassiter, public, fanfiction

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