Sep 10, 2010 23:51
I loved this movie! I know it's not showing too many places, but if you have a chance go see it. It is a great feel good movie. John Cena is awesome in it, not to mention the rest of the cast. It's very low key and subtle but a great story. I know what your are thinking it has that wrestling guy in it. I know b/c I used to feel the same way about wrestling and wrestlers in general, but then I saw Cena on one of my favorite shows "Psych" and in a web chat with Dule' Hill and my opinion began to change not about wrestling in general, but about Cena. Not only is he funny, smart and entertaining, but he also seems to be a stand up guy. Humble, hard working, dedicated to his craft and has been the cause of a lot of positive changes in the WWE. Not only that the guy does a lot for "Make a Wish Foundation" which is a fantastic organization. If you know me I have a soft spot for special needs kids so this one is probably what won me over to being a Cena fan. How can you not support a guy like that?
Thanks John for being a stand up guy.
Go see Legendary!
john cena,