Do you think there is a difference? And if so, are you one of these, both of these, or neither? Below the cut, I will give my opinion...
I've met some interesting people on this trip and I will write about it soon. This is the kind of thing I was hoping for and imagining would happen on this trip. I have to write about DC, NY, and New England. I was thinking about skipping New England in order to save money, but now I'm glad that I didn't. I liked New England a lot better than I thought I would. It may alter some of what I was thinking of doing. Of course, another thing I've learned, is wait until you see all your options before ruling out or choosing one. I've been pretty spontaneous about things since leaving NY and I think its really worked out well for me.
When it comes to religious vs spiritual, I think there is a difference, but there isn't. Both mean that someone has a belief that effects the way they do things. I see being "religious" as more "following rules" and things like going to temple/church every sabbath day, while being spiritual more means having a belief or a faith but not necessarily being held down by certain rules. Its unstructured. I am probably oversimplifying this...