
Jan 24, 2008 09:15

So I have started college finally and man is it hard when you've been out for so long. I have my first essay due on Wednesday. I am posting it here to get opinions on what everyone thinks about it.

The assignment is to a do a compare contrast/cause and effect paper, on a current trend or movement.

Please keep in mind that this is a first draft and give me honest opinions about what needs to be changed, added or subtracted.

Plowing the field, planting the crops, weeding the garden, feeding the animals, milking the cows, collecting the eggs; this all seems like a lot of work to have a meal. This is how our great grandparents did it, and some social groups still do. Let's skip ahead a few years, load the kids in the car, make a list, fight the traffic, drag the kids through the store; this is still a lot of work to get a meal, just a different type of work. The food that we are getting is completely different though. In the first example there was fresh food, that came straight from mother nature and hard work. In the second example there was processed, nutrient lacking food that doesn't satisfy the body; until now. The organic movement in America is becoming more common than it was even two or three years ago. When organic foods first hit the shelves they were usually in specialty stores, which were hard to find, and very expensive.
The difference between organic foods and processed foods is easy to see, all you have to do is look at labels. The FDA requires food companies to list all ingredients on their labels, so you, as the consumer will know what you are eating. Unfortunately, most people don't know what half of these ingredients are, or what they do to our bodies. That is a subject that would take a very long time to explain, and the jury is still out on most of the facts. When processed foods became increasingly popular no one objected. They created an easy way for us to get the foods that we love, and some we had never had before. It also made it easier for two income families to come home from work, school, soccer or ballet practice, and have a nice meal together. We didn't have to work on a farm for our meals anymore, or just buy what the local farmers market had available.
Many people that are moving over to organics do it for whatever reason they feel the need, some of these reasons could be; health concerns, diet needs or changes, or to help the environment. Whatever the reason it is becoming an increasingly popular idea. Now there there are still several people that think organic and diet food is the same thing. It has no flavor and less calories or fat than the processed food they are used to. This is not true. Organic foods contain just as much fat and calories and everything else. What is different is the process by which they are brought to us. Organic foods have no added chemicals, or preservatives. They are not doused in pesticides or hormone which could be harmful to both us and the environment. By this process we actually get more of the foods' natural nutritious value, and we are not ingesting things that weren't meant for us to eat.
Now that food companies are aware that organic foods are wanted by an increasing number of the general public, we are seeing them everywhere. Let's look back a couple of years ago, how many people even knew where to get organic food or knew what it was? We used to search the phone book or Internet for stores in our area that provided these foods. Then, when we got there, we realized that they we at least double the price of the same thing in processed from. Now you can walk into any grocery store and find them. Some stores have a special section for the organics, while others mix them into the isle with the other foods they are replacing in some homes. They have become more affordable and even compare in price with their processed counterparts.
The prices of these foods and availability on the market have made it easier for everyone to take more control of what they are eating and how it is being delivered to them. We no longer have to run our own farm to get the high quality, nutrient rich foods that out bodies need. As we move into a new era of food awareness, more and more people will become healthier and maybe we will not be looked at as the “fat” country anymore.
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