friendslist, font of all useful knowledge!

Aug 20, 2005 16:36

some of y'all are very urbane and cultured and stuff, and thus i am asking your advice: what are some white wines i might like? i like my wines sweetish--my favorite reds are shiraz/syrah, grenache, côte du rhône and côte du ventoux--and def. don't like things that are so dry they turn your mouth inside out. have no regional preferences. the only white wines i know i like are riesling and gewertztraminer, and i feel i should expand my horizons. any suggestions?

also, google maps is some freaky shit. who'd have thought that you could call up a satellite image of your own street? thinking back even just ten years, would most people have thought this would be possible for anyone who wasn't in the CIA?

back to proofreading.

wtf?, wine

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