One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

May 24, 2010 19:14

So yes, I am making another post. Gasp! And such. lol I'm pretty bad at doing more of these.

To start, I'm on a new medicine Cayston inhalation solution. Another antibiotic. It pretty interesting. I like the weird random tech gadgets they come up with as time goes by. Even if I am not a fan of all of them. lol

This one uses an aerosol head instead of a compressor for the vaporizing of the liquid. Which is actually pretty cool. It's quiet and can run on batteries as well as being plugged into an outlet. Which I guess is good for portability. It's only for the Cayston medicine though, which needs to be kept cold.

So I'm not sure what the entire thought behind the device is. I imagine that they are testing it with other meds to see if it can be used instead of a compressor in general for all of the inhaled meds. I think this because the device while specifically for Cayston. Does not seem to be designed around it. The cup has larger measurement notches and such, things that aren't used with cayston. So I think they'll eventually change over to it. Of course I am not going to be using it for my other meds because it clearly hasn't been cleared for that. And I follow directions for the most part. lol I just think the device and how it works is cool. Also the process is much faster than my compressor nebulizer treatments. It has an LCD screen that gives you a thumbs up when your medicine is gone and turns itself off. Silly but made me smile. :)

Other than that I have not been doing too much. Just playing some games and keeping busy! Work has been crazy on and off in between having new people starting and such. I'm sure it will be crazy here soon since we'll be moving a team of people to another section of the floor. Also in the work department I have been here for three years. Yay! I didn't get my goal accomplished though. One of the goals was to get A+ certified by sometime around now this year. I didn't quite make that. I have the material to look at. I just haven't done so. It isn't anything ABSOLUTELY necessary or anything. Just something that if I did it I could probably get paid more. Or so my manager said to me. So we'll see. Maybe I can hunker down and get that out of the way before my yearly review. I'm sure the review will be delayed until August or september again like it was last year. So I'd have some time. A+ certification is such a weird thing to have so much respect in work places really. Most of the stuff on it is way outdated tech. Ah well.

(corrected the info about the "ionizer" I'm not sure where I pulled that from. But I swore that's what they called it. Ah well, it's an Aerosol head, either way it uses electricity in a way via metal prongs to vaporize the liquid.
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