May 06, 2004 04:44
I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders as the cards are stacked against me at an innumerable height. I can't seem to focus, my mind has become cluttered and I feel my the joints of my body becoming unglued. This stress, all of this thought and the challenges I'm facing are taxing me mentally and physically. Something is going to give soon, either I will finally fall to pieces and have to seep into the darkness for awhile, or everything I'm facing will be swept away and I'll somehow emerge triumphant. I'm really not sure of how it's going to go, all I know is I'm at the breaking point. I'm tired, I can barely even control my own emotions. I feel stress building within me at incrediable rates, and even the smallest things are bothering me. Yet I still somehow manage to control myself, despite how close I am to slipping. No matter what happens, I'll always get back up as long as there is breath in my lungs. A house of cards can only stand so long...something must be changed, before it all crumbles. I won't just sit by and watch it crumble to pieces. I do not care what my status is, I have a voice and it will be heard, despite the consequences in this situation.
Hey...didn't I use to have a social life? Whatever happened to that thing? Ha, I haven't even been on a date since probably August or early September...damn, I'm tired of this. I can't even enjoy life because I'm always working. The free time I get is spent catching up on responsibilities, and what little fun I manage to have is cut short or spoiled because of exhaustion and stress. I can only take this kind of shit for so long, I can't balance more than I have the strength for. I can do all the work, all the responsibilities, but not if it prevents me from enjoying life itself. It's been a long time since I truly hated waking up, and since I was really unhappy with the way things are. I won't let it stay this way for long...
Originally Posted : 10:43pm 11/12/2003