(no subject)

May 06, 2004 04:40

I don't have the answers, I don't have the solutions to the worlds problems, I do not yet understand the deep underlying fabric that holds the universe togethered entwined as a singular system...I'm tired and downtrodden, exhausted and worn out, but that doesn't mean I can't help. I can't tell you what is exactly right, all I can do is introduce you to some new ideas. I've been thinking a lot, perhaps too much, about the truth of existance. About the existance of truth in itself. What makes this world what it is? There is something beyond the phsyical properties, something beyond chemical reactions and primal instinct. People will argue that we are just animals as well, and that life is just a repeating cycle of the same tired patterns...but I disagree. Life is too deep, yet simple at the same time.

We live as a paradox, a never-ending contradiction that really isn't a contradiction. This world...this existance is too complex and balanced for it to have came into being by accident. Yes, humanity has screwed a lot of it up, and we will continue to upset that balance...however, we are learning as go. We progress, and we can change how we treat the world around us. Indeed, it's easy to say "nothing has ever changed, and nothing will ever change". Yet this is not true...it has changed. We are still the same creatures, but even in mass we ARE different than before...constantly evolving, we are a race of dynamic beings. No, indeed the only time that things do not change, is when those who would create the change are bound by their own doubts and cyncism. Nothing will change if we never dream, nothing will improve if we don't take the steps to do it and stick our necks out to help people. Not everyone wants to change, not everyone wants help...but some do, those are the ones we are here for. We have the same tools for either group of people...all we can do is plant seeds. Introduce ideas, show people other perspectives of life, then let them make the change theirselves. If people are unresponsive...even the deepest seeds find the light of day. So plant them, water them, but don't uproot them. Do not destroy your hands in the thorns...take a few scars, yes, but do not tear your flesh asunder for nothing. Do not focus on the hate of the person, do not be overcome with this emotion. Focus on the hate of what they have become, focus on the hate of the existance wasted, but never the person.

09:47am 11/11/2003
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