Oct 22, 2010 16:30
Came across this in an article my textbook referenced and thought it was interesting--we all know about erotic vs platonic love, but here are some other styles. I feel storgic, which does not work at all when you're no longer living in a dorm... this could be a cool prompt-set. If anyone sees this and uses the ideas, I'd be interested to know about it. :)
Eros: erotic lovers search for a person with the right physical characteristics and is eager for an intense relationship
Ludos: ludic lovers are playful in love and like to play the field
Storgé: storgic lovers prefer slowly developing attachments that lead to lasting commitment.
Mania: manic lovers are demanding and possessive toward the beloved and have a feeling of being out of control
Agape: agapic lovers are altruistic, loving without concern for receiving anything in return.
Pragma: pragmatic lovers search for partners with the right vital statistics: job, age, religion, ets
--JA Lee, 1988, Love Styles