It's Valentines day, and LJ chooses to celebrate with a pink banner that illustrates everything that's wrong with the holiday. Like the fact that we can't say no to it, or if we can, it's hard and complicated and makes us look grumpier than just averse to sickly pink (seriously. Bubblegum? No).
But ok, it's the day to share the love, and so I say unto you:
An thou art into HP (I know a lot of
you are mainly anime, but you never know)
An thou art a reasonable human being who doesn't glory in wankage,
An thou liketh a little RP on the side, yeah, yeah, nudgenudge winkwink knowotImean,
An thou now thinketh, nobody actually talked like that even back then ever, Night, cut it out with the craptasticness and let's write like people talk, ok?
An it be that these all hold true, come play.
Click to apply. Hex_files is a goin'-strong, active, war-based RPG, not unlike
Communiquills but with a looser, flexible posting structure that lets you take advantage of whatever medium you excel at; writing, paper-based art, graphic art, whatever. It has a well-balanced mix of darkness, silliness, and shippiness, and hosts some damn fine players.
Come play.
We need Minerva and other teachers and Order members, DA kids including Hermione, Ron, and Neville, Slytherin kids, Death Eaters, Ministry goons... come pick a side (or two!) and make some trouble.
Come play, because we are the good.
I'm tempting you. Yeah. You.