Jun 10, 2009 14:21
Had my meeting with Mr. Stone today and I think I'm kinda well prepared for the "Dreigroschenoper". Now I can occupy the "Winterreise".
After work I'm going to go over to Geezus' and we'll have a nice day full of gaming and eating XD quite a good mixture I think
The rest of this entry will be.. kinda my personal review on "Clan der Otori - Ruf des Reihers", so please, if you still want to read that book, stop right here, otherwise it might spoiler you >.<
So I've just finished the fourth and last book of "Clan der Otori". It took me a long time again to read this book, still (as far as I can remember, it's been such a long time) I think it's the best.
Retrospectively, there's a well connected story through all of the books, although I think it doesn't become so clear until the very end. What I like about Lian Hearn is her ability to finely draw pictures of the japanese landscape, the protagonists (with all their feelings) and all the ancient customs with very profane words. At first, many the new characters, the children of Takeo and Kaede, seem a little exaggerated and even dispensable, but the more and end is forming itself during the story, the more the reader realises how well they fit together and also how important they are.
Additionly, I appreciated that many characters of the former books appeared again, e.g. the old monks from Terayama.
Still, the book offered a real suprise for me. All the time, Takeo succeeded generally. In this last book, it becomes obvious how much he achieved with his reign for his country, the people and of course for Kaede and himself. But... the huge but... there is no happy end. Takeo wins his last battle, but at last the destroying force comes from within. Kaede finds out about Yuki and her and Takeo's son and in jealousy, desperation and grief Kaede betrays him in the end.
Their relationship breaks, as the country breaks soon after it. Shigeko has to marry Saga so she's still able to reign the country and has to leave Hiroshi.
Takeo is found by the Kikuta in the end. Still, they fail to kill him. But as his pain about losing Kaede is so unbearable he commits suicide.
The only "happy" part of the ending is that Kaede decides to stay in Terayama with her and her sister's children and also with Hisao, the son of Takeo and Yuki.
All in all "Der Ruf des Reihers" was a condign end of a long tale which lead me through my whole youth. Thank you!
If somebody wants to read I can borrow it to you XD
edit: There actually IS another book, its "00" so I guess it's like "Ring 0", the very beginning.
Argh I have to save money for it >.