Apr 03, 2004 14:11
Who ever thought that five beutiful sunny days in georgeous florida could make everything appear clear and you don't feel lost anymore. This past week I discoverd how truly stubborn I am and how much I need to rely on God instaed of myself to get things done. Just a piece of aadvice...... When your lost, hurt, confused, and don't know where to go....Just ask for help!!! You can ask friends, family, or other people, but the only one that will pull you through no matter what is God.
I hope everyone had a great spring break doing whatever you did, but I can say that this past week has been one of the best in my life! I found out things about myself, my family, and about friends (that I thought I knew everything about) that I would have never discoverd if i wouldn't have gone with NECC (Northeast Christian Church)to awesome Panama City. Well remember that God loves you and so do I!
P.S. We were 6 miles aay from all the party madness so don't worry nothing bad happend.