May 29, 2004 22:35
Senior Advance was so much fun
it's taken me six years, but i fully realize now how much i love my class and how attached i am to them.
After attending to serious business and eating Chinese food, we sped off in four cars to Narragansett for some night swimming. We stopped midway at a rest stop because one of the girls's cars got lost.
While we waited for them to catch up, we climbed up a this large wooden tower. I was shaking so badly as I went up the stairs. I hate heights. But getting to the top was so wonderful.
I was up there with Rachel, Sogge, Karla, and Steph. We all looked below us at the lot and then I turned around. I could see the bridge that connects Newport with Narragansett. It looked like the front cover of The Great Gatsby with all its white lights. It made me so happy.
Z blasted "We are Family" and we all danced in the parking lot. Z danced on top of her car and someone randomly beeped at her.
Then we sped off again for the Narrow River. The Narrow River is right near the Beach. It has a thirty foot bridge over it. Some of the girls jumped off the bridge, into the river. I didn't end up doing it, I wasn't brave enough. I did hand people towels who did jump so I felt terribly motherly in that sense.
Lee told me something interesting after she jumped and I told her I was not brave enough. She said, "It isn't a matter of bravery, it depends on whether you are foolish enough."
I think I should apply that to my life, I live too much by the rules. Just live foolishy and "jump in" as Imogen Heap would say.
I want more nights like last night this summer.