
Oct 26, 2005 16:10

so lets see i just got out of school well at 3:15 lol! bus runs a lil slow around here! lets see ummm tomorrow is a half day and friday i have no school yea!!!!!marilu can u make me another icon plz!!! i will try to get a picture of fall out boy for u they are a band that i like. they sing that song sugar were going down song that i told u to ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

secretlife19th October 26 2005, 23:28:39 UTC
Awww, I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH! and Rini he gets it to the whole I love you thing XD it would be weird if it was the same love that you have for us XD he is just special LOL


fernie_vega October 27 2005, 00:21:14 UTC
lol, yeah, i get it. don't worry.(^-^) i luv you too!!(^-^)



nightdork October 28 2005, 02:19:51 UTC
haha cool! haha u need to get on msn and yahoo mr.
or else ur face and my hand are gonna have a date and it wont be pretty!
kidding i wouldnt do that..


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