(no subject)

Apr 05, 2005 19:59

blahhh!!!! all i wanted was a freaking ride from the freaking pankin or however u spell it, because im really tired and my back hurts and my dad still hasn;t bothered to get a cyropractor for my freaking back yet, but noooo too busy and karen feels sick. ok...how hard is it to sit your butt in the seat of a car for two min. to pick me up!!!! and he said it doesn't take that much effort. well if it doesn't take that much effort for me how much less effort would it take to pick me up dang it! BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! then i got a big freqaking cut on my leg from a sharp brach walking up to my dang forsaken house.

My stupid idiot psysiology teacher brammer said, "o too bad about the pope huh?" u gal damn F***ing catholic bashing hypocrite. u can totally tell from the way she talks and acts that she doesn't respect and hates catholics or any form of religion and she has the gal to mension the pope. she says he was a pritty good pope. goal damn her if she knows anything about him. the only pope greater then him was freaking St. Peter, and i think one other guy. he was a great pope. HE WAS A SAINT! and as if that wasn't enough she said that she hopes a gay pope is elected. i could kill her. Now i see how school shootings are possible, when ignorent teachers decide to share and try top teach they're belifs and politicale views! keep it to yourself gal damn it! or go teach at schools that worship the devil or something!
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