Aug 22, 2008 18:22
A story a friend told me once springs to mind lately.
A devout man is caught in a flash flood. He makes it to the roof of his house, and begins to pray mightily.
"Lord God, I believe in you and love you with all my heart. Please, please save your humble servant. I have utmost faith that you will help me."
Shortly after, a enormous log floats by. The man watches it pass, thinking, "I could maybe make it to that log, but I have faith god will save me."
A little while later, a boat comes by, offering to get him. "No thank you", he says, "God will save me. I know this to be true." The boat leaves.
Later still, a helicopter passes overhead. A bullhorn sounds, asking him to come aboard as a ladder drops.
"No!" he shouts, "I must believe God will save me!" The helicopter pleads, but the man stays firm. The chopper leaves to rescue others.
A storm surge comes, washes over the house, and the man drowns. He comes to at the gates of Heaven, facing God and the angels. He drops to his knees in front of god and implores "Why did you not save me? I prayed and was devout and did all that you asked."
God looked incredulous, and booms back "What the hell are you talking about? I sent you a tree, a boat, and a motherf**cking helicopter. What more did you want?"