Series: What the heart wants…
Title: Part 9 - The note
Summary: Jack wakes up in an unexpected place with unexpected company. How did he end up there? And why?
Rating: K+
Categories: Torchwood
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato.
Pairing: Ianto/Jack
Genres: Romance/Mystery.
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Set after season 3. Fix-it fic for Children of Earth.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: This is the last part but one of the series, following Not the Doctor anyway. Thank you to
badly_knitted for inspiring me and for her unwavering support and help.
A huge thank you to those who have reviewed my work or added it to their favorites list and story alerts.
Here is the revelation of who is behind the “kidnapping”. Hope you’ll enjoy. :D
“Hey!” called Tosh, waving the handwritten note she’d found, concealed under the bed. “I think I’ve got something.”
The three men joined her and started to read.
Despite the unorthodox method, I hope you like my little present.
Guess this makes us even, now.
By the way, I took the precaution of borrowing your manipulator. Hope you don’t mind.
PS. Fresh supplies and housekeeping are once a week.
And Eye Candy is cute when he’s out.”
Owen looked up at Jack, bemused. “Seriously. Hart?”
Jack merely shrugged with a half-smile.
“That guy will never cease to amaze me.”
To be continued