May 13, 2007 22:06
So I'm sitting here watching MTV and eating these strange chicken sausage roll type things and so depressed I'm suicidal. I wish I could say this is the first time that I've been suicidal but over the past few years/months/weeks its been pretty much the only thing on my mind.
I hate my life and myself ... I have over thirty thousand dollars of HECS debts and nothing to show for it except for the ability to perform male catheterisation. I've got a job that I can't do (and how sad is it that I'm saying that about telemarketing) and I'm actually afraid to go to work because they keep looking at me as if the other shoe is going to drop. And its only been two weeks!!!! I'm as broke as all hell ... about to lose my drivers license because I can't afford the stamp duty and received a summons for $1200.
I don't know what to do anymore.