Oooh, now I'm getting all political!

Oct 27, 2008 20:24

McCain was in Ohio today, focusing on the economy. The AP Report covered it well, and CNN had some clips of the action. As I was watching that I was wondering what the crowd was thinking - because at the times they applauded, I was always shaking my head. Maybe we're hearing things differently?

"Barack Obama's 'closing argument' is the same old argument in favor of job-killing tax increases and massive new spending," spokesman Tucker Bounds said.

Translation - he's a 'tax-and-spend' democrat, straight from the republican handbook.

What he fails to mention is that a majority of government spending goes toward employing new people and projects that people can work on. He also fails to mention that Barack wants to cut spending in many areas (including funding the war in Iraq), take out projects that are no longer working, and give small business owners tax cuts for creating new jobs.

Oh, and he's a little tidbit of information - look at government spending for the last 4-5 republican presidents, and compare it to the democrats. Sounds like the Repbulicans love the spending part, but they love the no-taxes part too.

Unlike Republicans, though, Obama at least wants to spend on stuff I can use: Roads, Bridges, Energy, Schools, Education. Jeez, how nice of him.

"We both disagree with President Bush on economic policies," McCain said. "My approach is to get spending under control. The difference between us is he thinks taxes have been too low, and I think that spending has been too high."

"I will create millions of jobs through tax cuts that spur economic growth," McCain said. The capital gains tax cut he's proposing would encourage investors, Bounds said.

Hey, that sounds good -- until you think about it. You want lower taxes for everyone, which is what Bush accomplished twice. You also want to spend more money on the Department of Defense and other corporations so they can 'create more jobs'. Capital gains? Do I have Capital gains? Nope. Thanks a lot, McCain. Make the rich richer.

"You cut taxes and the tax revenues increase." Bush said in 2006. The white house went on to say the 'tax cuts will pay for themselves'. We've had two years to figure out that isn't true. It just increases our debt, which is becoming so big we soon won't be able to make our interest payments anymore.

McCain's 'spending freeze' would cost many people their jobs, jobs that are dependent on government funding - and possibly mine, if he stops funding the NIH's projects. (gulp!) But the Department of Defense doesn't have to worry, McCain's made a special exception for them.

Also, McCain has always considered himself a 'Reagan Republican'. Well, Reagan increased spending too, you know. In fact, he increased the national debt quite a bit as well. That's just what we need right now.

Oh, and don't forget who Obama is taxing:

"That's what change means for the Obama administration, it means taking your money and giving it to someone else," said McCain."

This was the thing that got my goat. Because as far as I knew, the people at the rally today were not people making $250,000 or greater that would be taxed by Obama's plan. In fact, since 75% of people making $50,000 or less in the United States, I would wager that most of the people listening to the speech in Ohio were going to get a tax cut from Barack Obama. So I think a re-write of McCain's statement (just for accuracy) should look like:

"It means taking my money, that of my rich friends, and those from mega corporations, and giving it to you guys."

That's really what McCain is against. He doesn't want to give his money away.

And that reminds me - Is Obama a Socialist? Is he doing something that no other president in history has ever done by taxing the rich to pay the poor?

Nope, 'fraid not.

And as a last note, look at what presidents have been in office when we have had economic recessions. No wonder McCain can't win if we keep talking about the economy. I'm glad he's staying on track for once.

(I won't mention Sarah Palin's clothes, she's doing enough of that herself).

politics rant

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