As I mentioned
I've become interested in Hybrid Fuel vehicles.
Because of that, I've been gawking at the Prius (both online and on the streets of Corvallis). The number on the streets is growing, so I've begun counting the number of hybrid cars in Corvallis (this replaces my "count the imports" game and the "count the Subarus" games that I previously played while commuting - both of those games wound up with ridiculously large numbers so I stopped counting. What can I say? People know a good thing when they see it... in a foreign car) . Believe me, there are quite a few, and the number has been growing rapidly as of late. With gas prices reaching the $3 mark, I'm sure they are becoming more popular.
My current 'high' is 10 Priuses (Prii? Priora?) in a single day, with 2 Honda Civic Hybrids. Pretty impressive for my 20 minute (round-trip) commute. However, my problem is that I haven't come up with a way to distinguish the cars from each other. While I'm sure I saw at least 6 different Prius vehicles that day, I'm not sure if I saw 4 of them twice or not.
Traveling to work the other day I noticed that the Prius in front of me had 3 letters in its license plate, as do most Oregon plates. This gave me an idea: Name that car. With names, I would be able to distinguish the cars from each other, and get a true count of the hybrids in Corvallis. Thus began: HYBRID WATCH!
Cars I have seen to date:
"Guevara" - a Red Prius with the license CHE at the end (my first on the watch)
"Beagle" - Blue Prius with BGL on the plate.
"Red Chicks" - Light red Prius with CHX* on the plate.
"Green Chicks" - Light green Prius with CHX* on the plate.
"Blue Chicks" - Light blue Prius with CHX* on the plate.
"Bootstrap" - Fallow/Tan Prius with BTP on the plate.
"Silver Cinnamon" - Silver Prius with CMM on the plate.
*CHX or CXH, I can't really remember which, but I call them both "Chicks" because CXH I can't think of a good name for. However, because of the prevalence of CHX I'm going to have to start referring to them by a different system, because I think I've seen two Green Chicks thus far.
There is also a Black Prius in town that I have not gotten a plate off of, and I encountered another Silver Prius today which I'm pretty sure was not "Silver Cinnamon". However, they passed by me too fast and I couldn't get a better look at the plate.