Dec 19, 2007 22:36
I wonder where you are now and what you're doing
If you'll ever come back to me
or if you were ever really here to begin with.
Perhaps you can clarify some things
I've been mulling over...
Perhaps I can find the answers
I've been searching for in other people...
Maybe you're out there waiting for me to find you.
I hope I love who you are
I hope you're worth knowing
and maybe I'll even grow on you.
I'm sorry I've put you off
Sorry I've driven you away
and been scared...
Sorry I never gave you a chance
to love
to grow
to be happy.
I've been trying to force it on you with little success.
I hope we'll make our discoveries together very soon
and we can grow old together
without fear
without rejection
without sadness or suffering...