Title: Realizations (Five times Arashi helped Chinen realize his feelings for Takaki + the result)
Pairing: TakaChii (and other pairings on the side)
Notes: A (very late) birthday fic for yatsuiko-chan. Otanjoubi omedetto gozaimasu~! (haha, kinda your present for the birthday of “Lord Ohno”, as he’s part of the story anyway… please don’t kill me for this…)
Summary: It's Aiba! :3
→Part 1 of 3 of your very belated birthday present :3
Disclaimer: Yeah I own them, and Nino is Chinen's biggest closet fan. *SHOT*
When a storm comes, you immediately save the things that you need and the things that are most important to you. The things you treasure might seem worthless to others, but you couldn’t care less.
The storm fades away and you’re safe. You look around you and can do nothing but watch with openmouthed horror at the destruction around you, replacing the familiar surroundings with debris. Something falls apart inside of you, telling you that something is wrong… terribly wrong. The things you are used to are gone… all gone…
There are things that you often take for granted; when in fact they are the ones you want to be most protected. They could be right in front of you, yet you can look on indifferently. You may never feel nor care about their presence, but you will realize that, too late, you would surely miss their absence…
It was the day when Chinen and Yamada were guests at VS Arashi. Before taping the episode, silence was to be found at the dressing room.
The two JUMP members looked clearly uncomfortable. Chinen kept fidgeting on his seat while Yamada couldn’t stop from checking his cell phone every three seconds. Soon, voices were heard outside at the corridor. A few moments later, the sempais that they were waiting for arrived: Arashi. Chinen stood up immediately, followed by a very flustered Yamada.
“Ohayo gozaimasu~!” they said in unison, bowing to the five people who just entered the room.
“Ohayo!” the five greeted back. Chinen smiled widely and Yamada let out a sigh of relief, sitting down and continued to entertain himself with staring at his phone.
Meanwhile, the five hosts continued their earlier conversation, quite ignoring the two boys (though not intentionally). The first one to notice their abnormal silence was (surprisingly) Aiba. A brush in his hand, he stood up and called a member of the staff. He whispered some instructions into the staff’s ear and the other nodded, leaving. Aiba returned to his group mates and whispered mysteriously to them.
All of these things did not escape Chinen’s notice. He tapped Yamada’s arm, stopping the older boy from checking his phone once again.
“Ne, Yamada-kun, what are they talking about, you suppose?” Chinen said, staring curiously at the backs of his sempais.
“Beats me… and we shouldn’t be eavesdropping on other people’s conversations,” Yamada scolded gently, returning his attention to his phone once again.
Chinen frowned and looked at his sempais once again. They were huddled in a circle, still whispering among themselves. A knock sounded at the door, and Aiba got up to answer it. It was the staff member that he was talking to a while ago, holding a video camera in his hands.
“Hai, let’s start Aiba camera~!” Aiba announced, clapping his hands energetically.
“This answers your question, Chinen…” Yamada said to Chinen. Chinen didn’t answer, looking confused.
“Konnichiwa! We’re giving you an exclusive backstage pass to Arashi-san’s dressing room. Yay~!” said Aiba, speaking to the camera and using a brush as a makeshift microphone.
“Yay~!” the rest of Arashi shouted, looking enthusiastic. Ohno was jolted awake by Sho with a laugh, and the older one smiled and waved sleepily at the camera.
“Now, we are going to interview two very special guests today! Yamada Ryosuke-kun and Chinen Yuuri-kun!”
“Eh~?” the two boys said with a start, the cameraman zoomed in on the two boys, filming the shocked expressions on their faces.
“So, how are you feeling today?” Aiba inquired quizzically, pointing the brush at the younger boys’ direction.
“I feel really nervous right now,” Yamada answered with a shaky smile.
“How about you, Chinen-kun?” Aiba asked, now pointing the brush at Chinen’s direction.
“I’m really excited!” Chinen answered happily, smiling wider than usual.
“Maybe because of Ohno-san, deshou?” Sho piped up, earning a slap on the head from Nino and Jun. Aiba then asks them how long it was since they debuted.
“Since when did this suddenly become a talk show?” said Nino suddenly, earning laughs from the people in the room. “Eh? Himitsu no Arashi?”
“It’s almost been two years ne?” Yamada asked, looking at Chinen.
“Sou desu ne…” the other replied, nodding his head.
“I remember working with them at the World Cup Volleyball… It was someone’s birthday, right?” Sho said.
“Hai, Yaotome-kun turned 17 then…” Chinen answered.
“It’s been two years, then…” Jun said in a nostalgic tone.
“Matsumoto-kun, you’re a host too?” Nino piped up, receiving a glare and a slap on the head from Jun. “Hai, sumimasen…”
“I also watched your concert on Tokyo Dome,” said Sho.
“Ah! With Inohara-kun, desu ne?” Yamada replied, his eyes brightening.
“I remember watching the DVD of Hey! Say! 7, the one before Hay! Say JUMP debuted… it was lying around Ninomiya-kun’s house and I watched it,” Aiba mused, earning surprised looks from the two younger boys. Nino looked up from watching Ohno draw, an indescribable expression on his face.
“Urusai!” shouted Nino.
“Surprisingly, he has all of JUMP’s CDs and DVDs… even Chinen-kun’s earlier movies… “Aiba continued, apparently oblivious to the fuming Nino and the growing smiles on the faces of the other people in the room.
“Oi, chotto matte yo! Aiba-kun wa urusai!” Nino whined, looking unusually red.
“What are you so embarrassed about?” Sho said, receiving another slap on the head from Jun.
“I remember watching the making… Chinen kawaii na? You were always with Takaki-kun, desu ne? Even sitting on his lap and letting him piggyback you…” Aiba recalled, inclining his head towards Chinen.
The little boy blushed, to the delight of the people in the room. Chinen hastened to defend himself; though from what, he doesn’t really know…
“All of us are really good friends… and I sit on other people’s laps too…”
“But you wouldn’t let others piggyback you, right? Nakajima-kun offered but you refused…” Nino answered with a glint in his eyes. Chinen grew redder as the other six laughed, Yamada being one of the loudest.
“But I also remember Yamada-kun and Nakajima-kun… Nakajima-kun even said that he’d fall for Yama-chan if he was a girl, desu ne?” Aiba observed.
Chinen raised his bowed head and grinned widely at Yamada, who blushed several shades of scarlet. As if right on cue, Yuto’s voice emanated from the phone clutched at Yamada’s hand.
♪Maware, maware, maware, maware, merry go round~
Yamada hurriedly rushed out of the room to answer Yuto’s phone call, leaving his sempais and his group mate laughing in the dressing room.