Just Another Radio Show?

Dec 08, 2010 07:18

Another one of those 'YamaJima radio show' related drabbles. Any YamaJima who listened and read translations of their stint at the radio show would know what I'm talking about here. As all of their radio shows are just full to the brim with sweetness and their love for each other, I decided to write this fic to with the flow. Also because yatsuiko_chan  is already bullying me to update my lovely journal :D Prompt came from her so... :)

Title: Just Another Radio Show?
Pairing: YamaJima (Yamada Ryosuke x Nakajima Yuto)
Notes: Prompt from yatsuiko_chan  was "YamaJima holding hands in the radio show"... Nagayama-san is a fictional character that I have inserted a little creative name play into xD I don't own anybody okay? Just the crazy plot :)
Summary: You could affect somebody in ways you couldn't even fathom... oh, and by the way, what was your favorite segment of the radio show? :D

"Konbannu, Nakajima Yuto desu~!"

"Konbannu, Yamada Ryosuke desu~!"

Their familiar greeting resonated on the studio, as another of the "YamaJima radio shows" so dubbed by the fans and their groupmates, started its live broadcast. Nakajima and Yamada, a pairing rarely seen, has been back on the air waves after more than a year of being paired up with different people. As the fans finally made their voice heard after a voting for the two of them to be paired up for a magazine photoshoot, they have been paired again and again for different projects.

Nagayama-san, a person working for the jimusho and the radio station, watches fondly as the two kids started another segment. It has been a long time since he had seen these two kids sitting together in those chairs. Although it was always fun supervising those radio shows, it was still different having the two of them together. When the two of them enter that soundproof room, the technical staff would always have a smile on their faces. They bring with them a certain freshness that each and every one of them feels.

It was BEST 7 day, so Yuto and Yamada were anticipating what song they would have to play for today. A few moments before airing, Yuto was once again tapping his fingers to the table. One of his well-known habits, he was air-drumming to a beat that only he could hear... or so one would think.

"Hora, anata ni totte, daiji na itahodo, sugu soba ni iru no~" Yamada sung softly to himself. Yuto looked up in surprise, and then smiled softly and continued pseudo-playing. Nagayama-san continued to observe them and he realized that what Yuto was actually playing was "Chiisana Koi no Uta", a song by Mongol888 known for being an insert song in Proposal Daisakusen with a fast-paced drum playing in its instrumentals... and was coincidentally Yamada's ringtone. Nagayama-san smiled as Yamada realized what Yuto is playing and began to sing louder, making Yuto play more enthusiastically. He looked at his watch and noticed the time, and with a soft sigh entered the room.

"Hate to break up the fun guys, but you're about to go on air in a few minutes. Save your jamming sessions for later, okay?" he said in a light, joking tone. The two teenagers looked up and smiled, nodding their head in assent. Nagayama-san smiled and went outside to fetch the box of letters that the listeners send to their station everyday. Since Yamada and Yuto started hosting the radio show again, there was a noticeable increase in the letters sent in... especially the days for Hey Say WORDS. The staff would always have a laugh after on how embarrassed the two of them would look after having to confess their love to each other or saying epic one-liners for confessing.

Kids these days have amazing imaginations. Or maybe they just have hidden powers of mind-reading or something.

"Kitte kudasai. Arashi-san no [Still]," the two said together. After the song started playing, the two of them switched off their microphones for a while and continued where their talk left off. Nagayama-san bent his head over the paperwork he was supposed to be doing, but he can't help but overhear their conversation.

"Ah~ I'm hungry~" Yamada said in a soft voice, leaning on the table in front of them. Yuto laughed and patted his head, leaning his head on his arms at the table too.

"Don't worry, Yama-chan, we'll be done soon; I'll treat you for dinner later after the show," he mumbled with a smile. Yamada raised his head and looked at Yuto, concern etched on his face.

"You sound tired... are you alright?" Yamada worriedly asked. When Yuto didn't respond, Yamada began poking Yuto's sides to get a reaction. Laughing, Yuto tried to ward off Yamada's attacks, holding Yamada's hand in his efforts to stop him. Nagayama-san, hearing that the song was about to end, signaled to the two that their cue was near. As the two of them switched on their microphones, Nagayama-san noticed that Yuto and Yamada were still holding hands, both of them laughing softly from their tickling game. As the two of them wrapped up the night's show, Yamada was still trying to tickle Yuto.

"Please send your requests to Hey Say Letters, Hey Say Words, Hey Say Talking and Japan's Youngest Problem Solvers~" said Yamada.

"Onegaishimasu yo~" Yuto said in a cute voice, grinning widely at Yamada. Seeing that Yuto was distracted, Yamada quickly took the opportunity to poke Yuto's sides, hitting the table in his exuberance. Yuto laughed when he realized that the sound of Yamada hitting the table could be heard at the recording, and continued to giggle as he finished his speech. Nagayama-san, who was doing some paperwork inside the booth with the boys, looked up at the sound and smiled as he looked at the boys.

"I feel like their father..." Nagayama-san suddenly thought. He watched the two of them as they wrapped up the segment.

"Hai, dekimashita~!" Yamada said gleefully, stretching his arms over his head.
"Iku?" Yuto asked, playing with the zipper of his jacket.

"Why don't I treat the two of you for dinner?"

Yamada and Yuto looked in surprise at Nagayama-san, who was standing up and arranging the papers that were scattered about his desk. After putting the documents that he was working on into his bag, he looked at the two younger boys and smiled at them in reply to their curious, disbelieving faces.

"Eh? Nagayama-san hontou desu ka?" Yamada asked in surprise, earning a slap on the head from Yuto.

"Ittai! What was that for?!" Yamada asked, massaging the spot on his head where Yuto hit him.

"Baka! Be careful or you'll sound really rude," Yuto whispered back in response. Nagayama-san laughed at their antics, causing the two of them to look at him and for Yuto to bow his head towards him, pulling Yamada with him.

"Daijobu Nakajima-kun, I'm okay. Would you and Yamada-kun like some ramen? I know a good shop near here... it's getting dark outside and I think you haven't eaten dinner yet. So, wanna come?" he asked playfully. Yuto opened his mouth [possibly to protest against him treating them for dinner] when a loud rumbling from Yamada's stomach answered his question. The three of them looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Jaa, ramen it is," Nagayama-san said in an amused tone. Yuto and Yamada grinned widely at Nagayama-san and bowed once again.

"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~!"



Nagayama-san looked at the two kids digging in in front him with a fond expression on his face.

"Yama-chan, you have something on your cheek," Yuto said, getting a napkin and wiping Yamada's cheek. Yamada blushed and softly said "arigato" to the taller boy. The two of them were smiling to themselves as they continued eating.

Nagayama-san had this mad urge to wip out his cellphone and take their picture. And print it out and post it on his his bedroom wall.

"It makes me happy seeing the two of you together again," he thought.

"Eh?" Yamada and Yuto said in unison, looking up from their ramen bowls in perfect harmony. Too late did Nagayama-san realize that he said his thoughts aloud.

"Ah... iya... ano..." he stammered, clearly aware that his face was growing an embarrassing shade of red and that the two boys were staring at him intently. Feeling the need to explain himself, he cleared his throat and looked at the two of them in the eye.

"It's not like I'm this crazy-obsessed fanboy or anything... it's just... I think you're interesting, you know?" he said.

"Interesting?" Yuto repeated curiously, tilting his head to one side.

"You know that my first day at work was the first time that the two of you were paired up for the radio show?" Nagayama-san said. Yamada shook his head and he laughed, his mind traveling back to that fateful day.

"It was just my first day at work. I'm fresh from college and the whole facility intimidated me. The rooms were all so huge and cold and so official... professional-looking... I even considered hiding in the comfort room until it was time to go home... but I knew I couldn't do that, unless I wanted to lose my job. I was ordered to handle somebody from Johnny's Entertainment after all... I didn't care if you were thirteen or thirty; all I wanted was to get out of that day alive.

"When I went out of the restroom, I collided into two boys. It was like a scene from a manga, the way the three of us fell down to the floor. The taller one of the two boys helped the smaller one up... and then the two of them helped me gather the documents that fell down with me. And then, each of them extended a hand towards me. The sight of those two small hands helping me up... the thought of two kids helping me made me realize how much of a failure I am as an adult... but those two hands gave me the strength and the boost that I needed to stand up.

"Those two hands belonged to the two of you... Nakajima-kun... Yamada-kun..."

"Eh? Bokutachi?" Yamada asked. Nagayama-san smiled and patted the boy's head.

"Hai, Yamada-kun. After that, the three of us went to the studio. I was supposed to do some paperwork while the two of you were doing the live broadcast, but I couldn't help but listen and watch the two of you... simply being yourselves. The way the two of you just talked with each other in that childishly mature, carefree manner of yours... It was as if the two of you were just talking to each other and you gave Japan a chance to listen to your conversations...

"At first when I was given this project of handling your radio shows, I was really annoyed. Thoughts like 'who would listen to these kids?' or 'isn't there anything more interesting to do?' ran through my head... but when I started watching and listening to you that day, it was as if everything that I doubted about came flying out of the window... The way you made me feel right at home the moment you started talking... the atmosphere changed from something officially detached to comfortable. The way you melted those barriers of the adult world, made something that felt so cold into that warmth that the two of you naturally possess... I think that day really helped in being who I am now, hontou ni..." Nagayama-san said.

Yuto was smiling at the older man, remembering that day. Although he still felt nervous of having to do the radio show, he felt that as long as he had Yamada by his side he could do it. It must be terrifying for Nagayama-san for being alone that day, not having anyone with him for support. He was lucky that he has Yamada that day... until now. The two of them were smiling at the older man, having formed a newfound respect for him.

"It's been a long time since the two of you were paired up like this, ne? I missed the atmosphere that the two of you had. I was looking forward to the time when I get to see the two of you walk into the studio together, actually... It was kinda awkward meeting someone outside the building when they didn't have any recording scheduled for that day, you know," Nagayama-san continued, trying to hide the laughter in his voice. The two boys blushed so hard that it was difficult to tell who looked more embarrassed--the smaller boy wearing eyeglasses or the taller boy with his headphones around his neck.

"Yamete yo, Nagayama-san," Yuto mumbled, trying to hide his embarrassment by lowering his head. Yamada was actually hiding behind Yuto's back in his mortification. Nagayama-san simply laughed in response and continued to eat his meal.

"Your ramen will get cold, you know," he said with a laugh, causing the two boys to laugh and continue to eat their noodles.

"Gochisosama deshita~!

"Thank you for the meal, Nagayama-san," Yamada happily said. The three of them were walking towards the train station, having finished their meal.

"It was my pleasure; after all, it's not everyday I get to eat with talents from JE. Maybe this will increase my chances of getting into the jimusho... what if I audition?" Nagayama-san said in an excited manner, making the two younger kids laugh. Soon after that, Nagayama-san joined in, their infectious, bubbly happiness too much for him.

"Ah, this is my train. Be careful on your way home, ne? Jaa ne~" Nagayama-san said, quickly running through the gates in time to catch the next train. Yamada and Yuto waved at his retreating back until he was safely inside the train. After the doors closed and Nagayama-san's train disappeared from their view, the two went on their way to their train. The both of them didn't speak on the whole journey until they went down from their train and were walking towards their homes.

"I didn't know he felt the same way," Yamada suddenly said, pushing his hands deep into the pocket of his coat for warmth.
"Eh? What are you talking about?" Yuto asked, looking up from the can that he was so intent on kicking.

"I thought nobody cared if I got paired to any member, as long as the fans hear me, they're happy... but I didn't know that there were people like Nagayama-san who felt the same way that I did... who also missed the times when I was paired with you on those radio shows... It made me really happy, having no cameras around. I didn't have to worry how I look, I was free to say almost anything that I wanted to... and I get to talk to Yuto-kun so normally, without having to force anything... It's the closest thing to conversations that we have in private, ne?" Yamada said, pulling his hands out of his coat pockets and rubbing them together for warmth. Suddenly, Yuto grabbed one of his hands and slowly entwined their fingers together.

"You know, I was actually quite nervous that day... Everyone in the studio, including Nagayama-san, was staring at us, as if they were just waiting for us to make a mistake and make a laughingstock of ourselves in front of the whole country. But then we just started talking, as if we were just in class or something... soon, I almost forgot that we were in the studio... So when we were not paired up as often as before, it made me sad... when they stopped pairing us altogether, it felt as if something was missing. Although I like all the members, yappari, I still like being paired with Ryo-chan the most," Yuto said with a smile, holding Yamada's hand more firmly. The two of them continued to walk hand in hand, thinking of how those pairings at the radio shows made a huge difference to each of them.

"...There's also Hey! Say! WORDS, ne? Isn't that your favorite?"
"...That's part of the reason... and shut up, that's your favorite segment too."


Comments are appreciated :)

[fic], yamada ryosuke, nakajima yuto, yamajima

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