Feb 24, 2005 08:45
the funni thing seems to be what is going on during friday....should be swell!! lol if u dont no what im goning on abt then u can ask me personally....dont want the info to get in wronge hands now do i? wells, today was ok....i felt really happy yesterday at the end of the day...(which is a rare thing) because i felt like i helped people....and felt needed...it was a really good feeling lol...today was not too bad...i have alot of home work but i just have tommorow and i can have a weekend to rest...wahoo ok well anyways donno what i can really update abt...im alive and breathing...if i wanted to take a survay of who actually reads this i would have two people answer.....which is kinda funni but oh well thats one more friend then my nemesis....hehe...im evil.....and if u didnt no that already u might as well learn that...cause i am....and i will be (tee-hehe) ...lol .....and btw twards the comment produced by certain person....she who must not be named...im not A bitch im THE bitch get it strait already...lol
love yall lots and hope the sarcasm never leaves,
your royal bitch