Feb 13, 2005 09:58
ok...well im calm...im calm...yea...well today was aweful...and im not saying nething online...someone got really low...and im back to where i started with some people....i ....well...yea....ive gone from fucken mad...to pissed off...to calm...this is my calm faze...in which i dont swear much LOL or shake or say bad things abt people that i really want to ... i just sit and think abt it... and decide what im gonna do....i think katie is mad at me too...if she is that will just kill me....i dont no if i wanna be dead or not...im not sure...wow....i left my calm faze for a sec there...lol...neways...back to where i started...yea...welcome to my hell hole...im so dissapointed its scary