Not too many posts over the last 2 weeks. Is he too busy even to play Touch the Numbers now? However there is still enough time to work it in here and there, lets see what he has to say in his most recent micro twitters :)
March 4
Here is a repeat of his March 1st entry:記録挑戦 (kiroku chousen). He continues attacking/challenging recording
March 6
Again he is Bakibaki, the sound of breaking twigs. Torturing his body yet again.
We also have 今から。。。(ima kara) which means "from now..."
今から。。。何?(ima kara...nani?)
from now...what? is what I want to know.
March 8
男祭準備 - otoko matsuri junbi - otoko matsuri preparation
This is pretty self explanatory.
方足負傷 - kata ashi fushou - one leg injury
Also pretty clear, he mentioned this again the next day in his blog.
March 11
気合充電 - kiai juuden - electrically charged with fighting spirit
Now G, didn't anybody ever tell you not to play with electrical sockets? ;)
March 12
YAY!! GACKT Gets a new high score!! \\(^o^)//
All we can see here is "yabasu..." but this probably means "yabasugiru" which would mean "too great" or "too cool" probably referring to his new score.
"yaba" is short for "yabai' which can mean really great or really terrible, I think it is safe to say it means "great" here.
"sugiru" means "too"
March 13
漢祭リハ - otoko matsuri riha (rehearsal)
The first kanji is the manga slang for "honourable men" instead of the regular 男, which just means man.
自己新・・・ - jiko shin... ("jiko" - self, oneself; "shin" is the kanji for "new"
This is cut off so we cannot know exactly what he is talking about here but this phrase seems to be commonly used in sports so it could mean he made some new achievement for himself of some kind.
March 16
And more rehearsing for the Otoko matsuri, exact same kanji as above.
Overall, it seems he is fairly busy, working hard, preparing for things, injuring himself, achieving goals, all the usual stuff for him, but at least he's letting us know;)
March 16 - bonus
Today I was very happy to achieve a new personal best record. I managed to get under 8 seconds. I have been trying a little harder this last week and it seems to finally be paying off. I still have a way to go before I'll be on the daily high score board but for now I'm pretty happy with where I am. My goal right now is to get these kind of scores more regularly.
That concludes this installment of Touch the Numbers with GACKT
Translation credit goes to
ashura_oh , myself, and the occasional friend or coworker I ask to help me.