Mar 27, 2008 07:58
License to Drive. NOW THATS ME, there, sunglasses at night, only without the failing and basic carjacking. HA HA HA CAR COMIN' MY WAY! I may have to pay it off for years but at least it'll be to my mom and not with OUTRAGEOUSLY CRAZY interest rates. I start school again on the 31st. I'm looking for a weekend job today. Already smoked weed in my moms car driving (im so there, maaannn). so, ALL IN ALL IM DOING GREAT! much better than before. court next month, continuance, school, public defender, school, court again then it'll be settled! hopefully before I'm 20. hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa! also my mom bought a pure bred maltese puppy! SHES SO TINY! 2.5/3 lbs. love her. we named her fluffy. she's my fluff.
I had this dream last night. My mom and I were at a party and people were drinking in this lovely wooden establishment with an aquarium and red pleather seats and booths. I told her we didn't have to but it was the "norm". My ex and his gf were there. No problem for me! I was even checking her out because she had a waayyy different face and brown hair and I decided she was okay looking. pretty cute. kind of. Then she said, "ugh take this" and handed me a red headband with pyramid studs in it. I was reaching out when she reached out and slapped my hand with it. I recoiled, punched her in the face and we started brawling. I thought it might looked fucked up that I wouldn't let her get a hit in so I started blocking instead of punching then had enough of that. I took her down and smashed her face into the walls a few times. I kicked her and punched her and then when I got up the building was demolished. I mean, the crushed ruins and the perimeter was visible. I felt really terrible cause I thought they were going to sue us for the damage. Eventually it was put back up and I was in there trying to color a picture to put on the walls with some colored pencils but for some reason I would color the blue and yellow on a white plastic stick and then try to paint it on, resulting in a very scribbly looking fill job. I didn't like it since I was the one who fucked up the whole place and here I was with this shit coloring, so I went to talk to some friends. When I came back my colored pencils were gone! GASP! I went looking EVERYWHERE, I mean, I thought they just disappeared since I was dreaming. I thought, fuck, that's not cool that I lose shit in my dreams too and then I spotted a table with all of them spread out. I grabbed some and was about to go when a girl started SCREAMING AT ME, THOSE ARE MY PENCILS!!! She wore glasses and LUNGED at me, while clutching some in her hand. She half heartedly threw them and one of them slightly punctured my thigh, stinging me. I looked at the blue pencil sticking out of my leg and pulled it out. "I tried to take the doubles." She looked at me. I went away and told me friends that this bitch tried to stab me with a pencil! She came in and said, you know I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident. I said, yeah, true, if you meant to stab me, you would've done it right.