Title: The Sun Goes Down Alone
nightanddazeRating: R
Pairing: Brad/Walt
Word Count: 351
Summary: Nothin' better to do
Notes: Written for
Porn Battle IX, prompt of ‘summer.’ Title from Don Henley’s “The Boys of Summer.”
Yeah, yeah, I know, punch me in the face )
Which is to say that I love this because Walt is just too nice for words and I'm sure Brad would make him even nicer and dirty him up in the process. And blow his mind away, too.
Brad would make him even nicer and dirty him up in the process. And blow his mind away, too.
It's a little like WWII AU, but in the future. Er, present.
Uh, when you put it that way, it makes me think maybe I have a little bit of a thing for the innocent being expertly seduced. Maybe. *coughs*
I kind of want to write Walt, but I'm afraid I'd ruin it because I just want to squish his cute little farmboy face.
Come on in, girlfriend. The water's great!
but I'm afraid I'd ruin it because I just want to squish his cute little farmboy face.
I know what you mean. I was all, "This needs more AW, SHUCKS- WAIT, WALT DOESN'T EVEN TALK LIKE THAT WTF."
Yay, water! *swims*
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