Jun 27, 2005 21:17
I'm now convinced that Jagex doesnt really understand what "very taxing puzzles and logic problems" mean. I mean, it was only a 5-stage quest, and I really thought they finally had something really good... like that cipher using ascii that I did last time... but I guess that's too much to expect, and will probably be too much for the regular noobs you see everyday.
Anyway, on to what the puzzles were. The first one was a four letter word to open a combination lock. Clues were given in the form of four line verses. Since I actually thought that they 'd do something hard, I looked through the clue looking for things more obscure... unfortunately I overestimated them. After 5 minutes of looking through 3 clues and not getting a clue what they meant, I realised that taking the first letter of each line would form a word -_- So nothing much really.
The second puzzle asked you to fight some lvl20 knight, who'd supposedly been blessed by the gods. Anyway, the fight was easy, the thing was beat in a few seconds... but whenever he's reduced to 0 life, he'll start saying something like "HAHAHA I'm blessed by the gods, no man can beat me! HAHAHA!". At first I was like... "Wanna bet?" so I went for another round, and the same thing happened. My second thought was "What if I was a woman?"... and since fighting him round after round would be rather pointless... I simply took 3k and went for a sex change op just to test my theory... and poof he suddenly could be killed.
The third was one of those puzzles asking you to bring a fox, a chicken and a bag of grain across a river. Usual rules... one at a time, and no leaving fox with chicken and so on. Took a few seconds to plan what I'd do.
The fourth was some observation test, where they'd place some statues, with one missing. Given 10 seconds to memorise order, then the lights would go off and they'd add one statue. then you pick out the missing one. Hang suggested that I use print screen... but that's just rather pointless for such an easy test lol.
The fifth was the hardest of the lot... especially since chem was involved. Nothing really complicated... just basic science. Task was to get through the room using items found there... obstacles in the way was a door missing a handle but with a small hole in place and another locked door. Key for the locked door is chained up. Chemicals provided were sodium chloride, nitrous oxide, copper sulphate, cupric (copper) ore powder, tin ore powder, gypsum, acectic acid and dihydrogen monoxide (H2O lol). Tools were a tin, knife, chisel, shears, spade, empty vials and a bunsen burner. Don't feel like writing the whole solution down. Not that hard anyway, provided you know what the chemicals do and use your brains.
There were of course, an amazing amount of noobish ppl in that room. They were like..."HOW DO YOU DO THIS??!!", "Help me pls, I pay after this" and things like that you know. I was halfway through the problem when I realised that you could get a handbook listing possible reactions if you just stoned in there long enough. Which of course explained why some people were getting through. And which also told me how noob some people were when they couldn't even start even with the handbook.
That's about all... some tougher problems would be greatly appreciated though.
Oh, and btw, has anyone read Digital Fortress? I found the last part where they were looking for the numeric killcode exceedingly stupid. Because if anyone were to ask me for the difference between U-235 and U-238, the first thing I'd have said was "3".