Jun 20, 2005 23:51
So here I am @ Java Hutt enjoying my new wireless conection on my lap top!! Talk about mobility, I can go where ever I want and still access the internet!! Anywhose, its been quite a good day today:) I worked from 10:00 am till 2:00 pm, went home and then went to College to make sure my problem solving set is done corectly. When I was done, I had a chat with the tutor and my friend about some stuff related to physics, and some other stuff about life and its wonders... Rainbows are really beautiful, but in a physicst's mind, they are even more beautiful because they understand how they're formed... in my mind though, ( which happens to be of a physicist and a ..umm I dunno, would say philosopher but... ) any wyas in my mind though, a rainbow is much much more beautiful , not because I know how its formed, but also because the way it forms is a great wonder itself... The only reason we see the rainbow the way it is is because of how we are created... Imagine seeing a rainbow from an animals perspective, say a butterfly for example, I wonder how it would see a rainbow, if any... Alot of people would say that a rainbow is an illusion, but I disagree.. A Rainbow is a true image, except that its untouchable! As a matter of fact, the only time we can see a rainbow is when its raining in the east, or west of us... If we try to move closer to it, then it would eventauly fade away... Yet its not an illusion, but an optical sensation that exists between the realm of real life and that of our imagination... the colors of life cannot be an illusion, they exist inside each and every one of us, and thats what a rainbow symbolizes.. ( for me at least)
ANYWAYS! Did u ever try Indian food?? If not, give it a shot! Its not as bad as they say...
Its almost midnight, yet I dont feel like going home... I have a project that is due tomorrow, but my partner decided that she needs to type it out because I did the experimental part of it on my own. She feels that she owes me something, even though I am okay with it and it doesnt bother me... I love helping people out, so I would never feel used or anything, but hey I guess I was kinda selfish when I decided to do the experimental part on my own, when the whole purpose of the experimental part is for us to understand...
Well, I really hope she gets it done, other wise I would have to kick some energy into it tommorrow... I have done a cover page along with some comic strips to make it unique ...I hope that helps! Anyways, I'de better go home and get some sleep..I really need it.
oh btw... The Moon was tremendously beautiful during sunset and afterwards...Loved it!!