Purpose and Existence..

Feb 05, 2007 16:04

Ok, so I lied. I'm not off to do yoga yet.

For some reason, I found myself pondering the very nature of Purpose and Existence one day at work. By no means, do I consider myself terribly smart or educated. However, I've been studying philosophy to give myself a basic understanding of what it is all about, the how's the why's all that stuff.

I reading and found myself staring out the window just watching and observing things that went on, things as they seemed to exist. That was one thing that crossed my mind. Appearances, knowing and such. People think they know things, but do they really? It seems like when people develop the hubris to believe themselves knowing something for certain, along comes a factoid to show otherwise. Case in point, I remember seeing an article about a species of shark from prehistoric times that was believed extinct. Yet, there it was, seemingly alive and well.

This is basically going towards the ideas of purpose and existence. Can we really know what purpose things truly serve, based on our observations, experiences and what we're taught in school? Science has shown how much we don't know as it discovers more things. It also begged the question, can things exist without purpose?

After pondering this question, two possibilities came to mind. If a person goes on the premise that anything is possible, because it's hard to know for certain what is and isn't possible, then yes it is. Another idea that came to mind was the notion that existence and purpose could exist independent of one another as concepts, terms and ideas.

Then again, that could open a whole can of worms about the nature of existence itself. Interestingly enough, I noticed that much quibbling could be had over the form something exists in. If something begins as an idea, does it not exist still, as an idea?

Another weird thought that bounced around my mind related to Rene DeCartes' statement,"I think..Therefore I am!" What I wondered was how does being able to comprehend the concept of one's own existence truly guarantee a person does, in fact, exist? If so, in what form and where? How could one know their thoughts were truly their own? Strange questions I know...

Ah well...

I'm off to get ready for work now..really..

"the unexamined life is not worth living

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