Have I become one of *those* viewers?

Oct 01, 2011 20:06

"So the TARDIS blew up and took the universe with it? But why would it do that - how?"
"Good question for another day..."

"Something drew the TARDIS to this point and blew it up. Why? And why now?"

Series 5 ended with me practically bouncing off the walls with glee at both the resolution of Amy's storyline (married and still in the TARDIS) and the prospect of a multi-series arc. Thing is, I was kind of hoping we'd have a bit of a clearer idea what was going on by the same point next series. Unfortunately...we don't.

Another time-itself-is-collapsing ending, another Doctor-death-narrowly-averted (with, frankly, a lot less style than the last time), but what more did we really learn? What caused the series 5 explosion, what did Kovarium mean by an 'endless, terrible war' against the Doctor, and where did the Silence in suits come from? For that matter, why did they go to all the trouble of kidnapping and training River when the final "assassination" consisted of sticking her in a robot suit on autopilot and waiting for the Doctor to come willingly to his death? I mean, say what you like about Last of the Time Lords, but at least it settled things. The Wedding of River Song just left me wondering how much longer Moffat is going to make us wait.

doctor who

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