R is for Rebels and Regrets

Aug 24, 2009 06:59

Title: R is for Rebels and Regrets
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Up to season 8 ("Threads")
Notes: Written for Jacob Carter/Selmak Alphabet Soup for Gen Fic Day (August 24, 2009). Not part of the "Daniel of Abydos" AU.
R is for Rebels and Regrets )

sg-1 fic

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Comments 12

lokei August 24 2009, 15:09:11 UTC
I love Sam's idea of teen rebellion. Perfect.

And this is just overall so gorgeous and bittersweet, if I tried to pick out my favorite lines this comment would be almost as long as the story. "Will you stop stealing my insults" is right up there though--shows why Jacob and Jack get along. :)


night_spear1287 August 24 2009, 17:04:16 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked it.


rdamel August 24 2009, 18:26:44 UTC
So good--thank you for sharing this.

Melissa M.


night_spear1287 August 24 2009, 18:57:15 UTC
Thanks :)


sg_fignewton August 24 2009, 20:07:55 UTC
Oh, YAY.

Sam's "rebellion" with her homework? Utter glee! And then the poignancy of Mark and Jacob's sheer frustration with interfering busybody Selmac and just so much fun!

And then ow, when you switch from the lighthearted rebellion to the sober one of become a rebel army of one. Or, well, two. And that last line... ::whimpers::

Now that you've taken the first triumphant step into canon, we're going to get lots and lots from you, right? :)


night_spear1287 August 24 2009, 20:16:16 UTC

Oddly, I've written this Jacob one and tried a couple of Jonas ficlets, none of which has canon!Daniel in it (or much of canon!SG-1, even). I'm certainly working on it, though :)


sg_betty August 25 2009, 05:05:43 UTC
This is just excellent! Jacobs's relationship with his kids, sharing his mind with a nag ;), the poignancy and mutual determination of the end... Excellent!


night_spear1287 August 25 2009, 10:39:02 UTC
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it.


amberflyant August 25 2009, 10:00:12 UTC
Loved this, it was a very good character study of Jacob and his children.


night_spear1287 August 25 2009, 10:39:21 UTC
Thank you!


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