Just so you know...

Aug 07, 2009 11:45

First of all, many of you on my list who are in the SG-1 fandom probably know this already, but for those of you who might not: Gen Fic Day (hosted by the Benevolent Dictatrix of the Realm of Ship-Free Stargate, otherwise known as
sg_fignewton), is coming up on August 24. This month will feature Jacob Carter Alphabet Soup, but for those of you not familiar with Gen Fic Day, gen fics of all flavors will be celebrated :)

Also, the same
sg_fignewton has very kindly posted meta/recs of my "Daniel of Abydos" series here and here with some discussion of kid-fics in general. It feels sort of weird to be pimping a meta of my own writing, but I really wanted to say thank you very much to Fig!


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