Well, that was very interesting, indeed! I can see Daniel not haveing much in common with Loren, one being so much older than his years, and the other so much younger. It was fun to see more of the palace and I'm going to have a go at that latin. It's good for my brain!
Si, how the heck did Daniel have the opportunity to gut a fish on Abydos, anyway? ;)
Not sure what I think about the conversation with Teal's, either them having it in the first place, in such an open way, or the details of what was said. I'm going to have to think about that for a while... But I'm with Daniel--thinking is good. :)
Oh, I forgot to mention how much I loved Daniel tripping over Jack and ignoring the inconvenience because he didn't want to lose his place. Heh...
On fishing on Abydos...well, there's a river there, and I assume they might have fished at some point. Whether or not Daniel would have been there watching the people preparing and cooking, I don't know, but I like to think he'd have stuck his nose in to see.
I think that, for this Daniel, Teal'c is the only one he could have had that conversation with so openly. He talks about vague ideas with Jack, but for the gritty details, he goes to Teal'c. You may be right, though--I'll let it sit for a few days, and when it's less fresh in my mind, I'll go back and reread it to see if it feels weird.
Oh, I don't know if the movie or series said anything about Abydos, but they have to have water somehow. It's something I've mentioned before in the series, so it's fanon instead of canon :)
When you write Teal'c and Daniel, you always blow me away. Fabulous. Particularly Teal'c's brutal honesty.
And Jack and Teal'c both telling him the same thing - it's the team that keeps them all whole. Yes. Which... kinda explains why Daniel messed up so badly when he was glowy, doesn't it?
Also, I love Teal'c's thought that the SGC acknowledges they kinda messed up with Daniel but have applied what they learned from those mistakes to deal with other children. Still working on that kidfic meta... :)
Thank you! Yay for team! I never thought about Daniel's Descension in those specific terms, but it's so true--he was too arrogant in his power or so sure of his rightness, and he went against his team's advice and got Abydos destroyed. Whoops.
*waits eagerly for meta* I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with it!
Comments 7
Si, how the heck did Daniel have the opportunity to gut a fish on Abydos, anyway? ;)
Not sure what I think about the conversation with Teal's, either them having it in the first place, in such an open way, or the details of what was said. I'm going to have to think about that for a while... But I'm with Daniel--thinking is good. :)
Oh, I forgot to mention how much I loved Daniel tripping over Jack and ignoring the inconvenience because he didn't want to lose his place. Heh...
I think that, for this Daniel, Teal'c is the only one he could have had that conversation with so openly. He talks about vague ideas with Jack, but for the gritty details, he goes to Teal'c. You may be right, though--I'll let it sit for a few days, and when it's less fresh in my mind, I'll go back and reread it to see if it feels weird.
The conversation thing could very well just be me, and my interpretation of the characters. Doesn't mean it doesn't suit your Daniel and Teal'c. :)
And Jack and Teal'c both telling him the same thing - it's the team that keeps them all whole. Yes. Which... kinda explains why Daniel messed up so badly when he was glowy, doesn't it?
Also, I love Teal'c's thought that the SGC acknowledges they kinda messed up with Daniel but have applied what they learned from those mistakes to deal with other children. Still working on that kidfic meta... :)
*waits eagerly for meta* I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with it!
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