Title: Brotherhood ( Table of Contents) Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize is mine. I gain nothing of material value from this. Pairings: Gen Chapter1Chapter2a-- 2bChapter3 XXXXX
I had reasons for not getting rid of Hathor's sarcophagus from the start. Then I started bumping into the problems its existence causes and sort of wish I'd had it destroyed earlier. Still, if it's there, I might as well make use of it.
had to resist the urge to salute, either with a fist to the heart or a hand raised to his brow or both arms crossed over his heart. He wasn't sure where any of impulses originated, though
One thing I had a lot of fun with in this series was giving mini!Daniel a few reflexes--like 'yes, sir's and Jaffa salutes--that canon!Daniel didn't have. Messing with his mind can be fun because those reflexes rise closer to the surface without the Daniel-ish logic and inhibitions holding them back :) Cheers!
Comments 6
This was a great take on the ep, all round. Loved Teal'c making Daniel critique himself - his status as chal'ti is one of my favorite bits of your AU.
Not sure how I feel about the sarcophagus ending up at the SGC... Daniel's not going to like it much, either!
And that teaser - oooh, can't wait :)
Oooh. Love the neatness of that.
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