Wistful Hearts 8/?

Jul 09, 2010 14:11

Title: Wistful Hearts 8/?
Groups: SHINee, U-Kiss, 2PM, SNSD (random characters show up often in this fic ;D)
Pairings: (main) Jonghyun/Taemin, Onew/Key, Nichkhun/Minho (other) onesided!Minho/Key, onesided!Jessica/Jonghyun, implied!Dongho/Soohyun
Rating: PG-13 (this chapter)
Summary: Jonghyun's the school bad boy who cuts class, gets into fights, and doesn't think he's capable of loving. But deep down he's different. Onew's his best friend from childhood and the school president, who's just trying to get the most popular boy in school to notice him. Key's known by everyone, and though he's practically worshiped and acts so self-confident, he's got dark things hidden inside. Minho, the soccer team's ace player is looking for something interesting to happen in his life and wants someone he can love to come along, even when there's someone right beside him. And Taemin's a freshman whose dedication is torn between what he wants and what his parents want, his dreams feeling out of reach because he's just “too young to know any better”. When these five are brought together, the occurrences afterward are filled with heartbreak and sorrow, but also with happiness, fun, and love.
A/N: high school AU fic~ this chapter is lateeee XD and the end is a cliffhanger~ dramatic things are going to be happening soooooon!! hehe. Comments are very loved <333 hope you enjoy!

“What's a jock like you doing in the arts building? On a weekend morning no less.”

Minho looked up from his seat, spotting Kibum walking into the room with his arms crossed. He was smiling faintly though, not angry like his demeanor may have suggested. They were in the piano room, and he was seated in one of the orange plastic chairs that had been stacked to the side of the room. “Well, I just wanted somewhere to think, and I like listening to music even if I can't play any instruments.”

“Hm, learn something everyday,” A smirk graced his pale face. “Do you sing? Because then I'll really be surprised.”

Minho laughed and shook his head, tilting it slightly afterwards. “I do rap though...”

“Oh really? Now that's something I like,” Key grabbed a chair and spun it around, afterwards sitting sideways daintily with his legs crossed and his torso facing him, an arm lying on top of the back. “Know any good songs? How about I Know by Supreme Team?”

“I know it.” He nodded to himself and, as the other paused their conversation because he'd gotten a phone call, he zoned out slightly, his thoughts becoming his sole focus.

He was sure that he really had no chance with the flamboyant sophomore; they were just too different, and barely even knew each other. It had sent a pang of hurt into his heart, the realization. But that had been before, and now... Now, for a reason he couldn't put his finger on, it didn't seem that bad. It had just been a little crush perhaps.

“Sorry about that,” He walked back into the room, and Minho could immediately feel a difference in him. Key's eyes looked haunted, and an uncharacteristic wavering in every movement he made. He knew better than to mention it, but he was very concerned. Kibum smiled weakly at him. “Ready to have a go at the song?”


And he set about trying to distract the other from whatever demons he had inside him, just like a friend should.

- -

There was a knock on their dormitory room's door, but neither Dongho nor Taemin moved a muscle. It was Saturday, and way too early in the morning on a weekend to wake up. But the knocking persisted until they groaned and were unable to stay unconscious.

“Minnie, get the door...”

“Nnng, you get it...”

“D'you know how tired I am?”

“Your fault... too busy with seonsaengnim...”

“... Shut up.” A pillow was tossed across the room at him.

They continued their sleepy argument, temporarily forgetting about why they had started in the first place, until a voice came through the door. “Yo, kid, wake up!” It was Jonghyun's voice. 'Damn.' Now Taemin had no choice but to be the one to get up and open the door.

“What do you want?” He muttered, his half-asleep mind making him not self-conscious whatsoever at the moment. He ran a hand through his messy, bed-head hair, but didn't bother to adjust his pajamas which were hanging off his frame.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” Jonghyun grinned at him, looking, mockingly, wide awake and without a care that he'd woken him up. “Get dressed, we've got somewhere to be.”


Suddenly Jinki came into view and he smiled apologetically at him. “Sorry, Taemin ah, but once he's got an idea he's set on, he won't stop until it gets done. I suggest you listen before he gets physical.”

A sigh and he turned back and shut the door, calling out in defeat, “I'll be ready in a minute...”

Fifteen minutes later and a fresh, changed Taemin emerged from the room, a grudging expression on his face. “This better be good. After staying out last night, I'm so tired. My sleeping pattern's ruined.”

“Oh shut up, you sound like Kibum, kid.”

Jinki sent them questioning looks, but they didn't take the time to explain what the significance of 'last night' was. They exited the dormitory building wearing relatively light clothing, and the wind only buffeted them slightly as they walked. They were heading towards the entrance that led to the Arts section, and the youngest of the three stopped abruptly.

“You've got to be kidding me.”

“Nope,” Jonghyun flashed his, now becoming, signature toothy grin. “It'll be fun, come on. Jinki can sing, too, and I'd wanted Kibum to come but I couldn't find him.”

He started walking again, rolling his eyes. “Since when were you so ready to make friends and hang out?”

The other put on a fake thoughtful expression. “Hm, I don't know. My taste in companions has seriously gotten bad. But I guess I've had a change of heart.”

Beside them Jinki snorted, which sent Taemin into a giggling fit. Jonghyun shoved him and then jogged the rest of the way to the door. It was wedged open, and he wasn't sure if it was from last night or someone else had done it that day, though he thought he remembered hiding the evidence that they'd been there. They went inside and headed straight to the piano room.

Hearing voices, however, they slowed their pace. But as they got closer, it became evident that they knew who was inside, and had nothing to worry about.

“Key hyung, Minho hyung!” Taemin ran in, smiling. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Oh, didn't you hear? The newest cool hangout place is this room. So I had to come stake my claim before the jocks got it.” Kibum smirked over at his fellow sophomore after the sarcastic remark. His smile grew when he caught sight of Jonghyun, and Taemin saw that there was a glimmer of some emotion he couldn't name in his eyes when the final person entered.

“I was looking for you to bring you with us, but I guess I didn't need to. Who's this, your latest fling?”

“W-What, no,” He hurriedly replied. “This is Choi Minho, he's Taeminnie's cousin.”

“Really?” Jonghyun grabbed two chairs and set them down; one for himself and the other for his childhood friend. That left the youngest of their group standing, and with a small glare that really meant nothing, he sat down on the piano bench. “Nice to meet you. The name's Kim Jonghyun.”

“Mhm, you too. So what are you all doing here anyway?”

“Oh, right!” The blonde-brown haired male's eyes lit up. “We're forming a band!”

“What?!” Taemin and Jinki said it at the same time, but the younger was the one who continued. “When did we ever agree to that? You just said you wanted to sing and play or whatever together!”

“Well, yeah, that's basically a band, isn't it?”

“No!” He struggled with finding some way to get out of the situation. “I-We-None of us agreed to it! We don't even want to, it's not--”

Key cut him off. “Sounds fun.” Next to him Minho nodded, and Jinki joined in soon after, leaving Taemin the only one who was against it. He stuttered out a few more words before groaning in exasperation.


Jonghyun smiled and wiggled slightly in his seat, excitement clear on his features. “Okay, so I guess we should pick a song we all know right? Me and Jinki will be the main singers, and Minho and Key can be the rappers. Kid, you can play the piano and sing if we need you to,” He sped on, not letting Taemin interrupt. “So how about a song by Big Bang? Everyone knows them.”

“How about their newest song? Tell Me Goodbye? It's really beautiful...” Jinki suggested.

“I love that song!” Kibum smiled and the other did as well, bowing his head slightly, almost shyly. He turned to the person who sat at the piano. “Know how to play it?”

“Yeah, I learned it a couple days ago...”

“Then let's go! I'll be Taeyang, Jinki you be Daesung, Key you be G-Dragon, Minho you be T.O.P since you have a deeper voice, and then Seungri's parts are yours, kid.”

Taemin sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, letting his mind remember the song as he relaxed his fingers. The notes slowly floated around as thoughts, and then he started to play, letting go of everything but the song. He played the intro, hearing Key behind him come in with his rap.

“No I got this. Still thinking about this thing called love, it's got me shaken up. And it's got my head just spinning round round round round. Don't wanna take a fall, it's best to break it off, it's gonna be better for you, move on. My heart be breaking breaking, I thought we'd make it make it, but now we're covering it all...”

And then Jonghyun's sweet, melodic voice began to sing. “Girl I swear I won't even for a second cause you any pain, in order to protect you there's already no other way.”

A voice he didn't recognize sang after him, and with a small smile he realized that it was Jinki. His voice was really amazing. “Baby our love itself brings us pain. And I got nothing, nothing say.”

“Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye,” Taemin was surprised when a small nudge to his side happened, realizing just in time that he was going to sing the next line. Nervousness made his voice waver, but overall the thought he sounded okay as he sang, “those hands that embraced me.”

“Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye, seem to be letting go. If forgetting me will give you freedom, tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye.”

Another nudge and he swallowed, knowing that he was now supposed to sing a long part. Taking a quick breath of air, he let the words flow passed his lips. “Girl you know when you lose your smile, I will place the blame on myself. Those words, and even the light, I will lose sight of everything else.”

“Baby the moment our lips part this time, I'll never find better, better than you.”

Then they sung the chorus once again, all of them melding together into a beautiful mixture of voices. Minho's deep voice entered, and he began his meaningful rap.

“Yo and it's so, so sad it just ain't happening, wish it could be better. Sorry to be scrapping, but I just can't let ya. Shouldn't be less than happy, I said look at me, I couldn't live with myself seeing you lacking. The things you deserve, baby you were superb, best believe that it hurts, that bleeds these words. I feel the aching through my body it just takes a bigger part of me to be letting you go, I wish it weren't so...”

Jinki's turn. “Your voice, pained and fading away, away...”

Then Taemin's. “Erased completely by the wind, stay, stay...”

Jonghyun's talented vocals rang out. “All these things, I can't take it. Those tears, don't cry for me.”

And then Jinki's voice again filled the air, hitting the high note at the end powerfully, amazingly. “For your sake I'll never look back again... ohhh~”

They sang the chorus for the last time, and when they were finished they were breathing heavier than normal. Their eyes were bright with fun though, because that had been amazing. For all of them it was their first time experiencing such a wonderful thing as singing and playing as a group. It was amazing.


That was an understatement.

- -

A retreating figure caught his eye as Jinki was walking back to the school. He had gone out on an errand for a teacher of his and had took the pathway that lead to the entrance that was closest to that teacher's office. Walking on a different pathway was someone he recognized, so he jogged over - almost tripping on some uneven patches of the ground - and called out his name.

“Kibum! Kibum!” But the boy who had been plaguing his mind for that last while didn't respond. As he got closer he saw that he was apparently listening to his iPod, so of course he couldn't hear him.

Jinki slowed down when he was a few feet behind him and reached out, his fingers grabbing on of Key's wrists. The reaction he had, however, was not a very pleasant one.

He spun around, a wide-eyes and pained expression that was unusual on his sharp face turned towards him. He let go quickly, feeling greatly guilty though he didn't know why. “Ah, I'm-I'm sorry, I d-didn't--”

“Oh, Jinki hyung,” Kibum straightened, his composure regained, as he paused his iPod. “No, it's no problem, I just... I banged my wrist the other day and I have a bruise. My hand's a little sore...”

'A... bruise?' The words jogged his memory and he thought back to the day he had first talked to him. Either he had hit himself in the same spot as before or the bruise he'd had that day seriously been damaging. Or maybe the circumstances in which he got it were recurring... But didn't that mean it had to have been someone else who caused it?

Snapping out of his reverie he smiled at him. He noticed the bags the other was holding and gestured to them. “Are you going somewhere?”

“Yeah. Back home for the rest of the weekend.”

The tone of his voice was hollow, an though Jinki had the urge to find out exactly why he didn't seem too happy about going he kept his mouth shut. Key would probably think he was nosy, and he really didn't want him to think that.

What should he say then? 'Have fun' didn't exactly seem to fit. He shuffled his feet, completely aware that he was being watched by an amused, dark gaze, and words spilled from his lips.

“Come back safely and take care of yourself.” He said it all in one breath and when Jinki was done he felt his cheeks burning. He couldn't meet Kibum's eyes, not even when he spoke his name tenderly. God, why was he so awkward?

“I-I'll let you go then.” And he turned on his heel to leave, pausing only for a moment when he heard the words “Thank you”.

It wasn't until he was back into the school that he remembered why he had gone chasing after the boy in the first place. He'd meant to ask about what had happened the day before, but it had slipped his mind.

Well, there was always the next awkward encounter...

- -

Kibum really disliked the fact that of all the days something as fun as what had happened earlier could occur on, it had to be one where he had to go back home. It made him so frustrated sometimes that his mother could be such a negative part of his life when he'd rather her be a better one, or one that didn't exist. He always regretted the times when he had to go see her, and wished he didn't feel so obligated that he had to go.

As he caught the bus, something unusual came to his attention. Most times he would call to see if his mother would be there that weekend - and not off somewhere doing who knows what - and inform her that he was coming. But that time she had called him to ask him to come. Why would she do that?

His phone vibrated in his pocket and Key took it out to read the text message he had received. It was from Jessica. Surprise, surprise; she hadn't talked to him for most of the week.

U at school this weekend?

He typed in his reply and sent it, and the next one he got made him frown in confusion.


What was that supposed to mean?

Next Chapter~

A/N: wooooo, sorry for being late everyone but here's the next chapter ^^ the next two are going to be very dramatic XDDD
The lyrics of Tell Me Goodbye are probably not perfect, but that wasn't the point so please dont kill me if you think I wrote them wrong XD
Oh~ and the supreme team cover part was inspired by the cover my baby Dongho and Eli did ! if you wanna hear/watch here it is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgU5b5kYovc
I love how Dongho says "U-Kiss and Super Junior" at the beginning XD

and so! hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!! i've been quite busy lately, but will try my best to update fast and post other stuff as well =)
thank you for reading, comments are loveddddd <3333

*crossover, rating: pg-13, pairing: onew/key, pairing: shinee/snsd, !fanfic, fandom: shinee, pairing: shinee/2pm, pairing: key/minho, pairing: jonghyun/taemin, series: wistful hearts

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