Finally Updating (But It's A Short One)

Oct 15, 2010 22:53

 Hello people~

Due to constant pestering from a certain 'Hika-chan', I have finally decided to update >_< even though there isn't much to update. Before I start anything, I would like to say that the song Hika-chan has asked me to download is SOOOOOO nice! I should listen to more Kinki Kids songs ^_^

Anyway, 1 semester is over...exams are done...results gotten...and............................

*dances around the room weirdly*

I'M SO HAPPY WITH MY RESULTS!!! GPA 3.6...A B for Communications Effectiveness; an A for Early Childhood Development and a Distinction for Principles and Practices of Early Childhood Education!! *faints* I've never gotten a Distinction before!! I think this might be the only and last time in my life lolz~

This semester's modules aren't any better (DUH!). We have Discovery Curriculum (Mathematics), Human Resource Administration, Life Skills 2 and The Communication Curriculum. Confusing *sigh*

This is the first week and i'm already sick =.='' I had to stay home two days of the week (and miss alot =.='') because of some infection viral, throat thingy that has been attacking me on and off the whole time!! >_<

Other than that, there are more JE fans that I've found. Well, not found but Yama-chan (the first JE fan I found in class) has managed to coax them over to our side. *insert evil laughter here* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

It's all good but I wanna pull them out of the JE fandom sometimes. Not because I'm jealous since the guys they like is not the same as the guys I like hehe...but because they, especially Yama-chan, get too into it!! Which is good and bad. Good for our ~SOUL~ lolz but bad for our studies. I sound like an old auntie (which probably to them, I am lolx) but I can't help but worry and over-stress myself and get sick =.=''

And there is the root of my problem. Me overstressing. I should've figured out earlier. =.=''

But anyway, the other fans are Hika-chan and Chii-chan ^_^ hehehe *waves* HI GIRLS!!!

Oh, a new semester signals the change of project groupings. Unfortunately, the 3 girls, plus Nila and Janet aren't in the same team with me >_< I don't know whether signs are directing at me or not but Hika-chan and Chii-chan are in a group with others and Nila, Janet and Yama-chan are in a group with others. O_O i'm the one with no friend lolz

But I'm okay with it 'cause it'll be interesting to see how the new group interacts with each other in times of stress lolz which will equal to me freaking out majorly lolx

Anyway, I'm in a group with Angie, Syafiq, Insyirah and Mahirah Yasid. According to speculation by Nila, she said that our teacher may have grouped up according to our GPA O.o and I think it might be true 'cause the others has also a 3.6 GPA but they are like O.O5 better than me. I'm entirely grateful for it so that I won't be like "i'm the best! blahblahblah!" I can use their grades to motivate me to do better ^_^

Anyway, I promised myself a short entry and so I shall stop here. If any pestering from Hika-chan works, I'll post again! lolz!

Ja ne,

update, blahx, results, new friends, school

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