WTH Day...

Oct 22, 2008 22:41

Hey people! (To those who actually read my journal >.<)

Just updating on my life to whoever who wants to know >.< Lolz

Monday: Okay day...Got Izyani to follow me to Tampines to find out where the hell is the stupid Motorola shop because my phone has been saying 'No/Invalid Battery' before shutting down for a past week. Until it got fed-up and shut off permanently a couple of days ago.

And just my luck, Motorola has THREE repair centers in the whole of friggin' Singapore. The Cathay, ViVo City and AMK Hub. After checking that Tampines and Century Square shops are just local dealers that do NOT deal with repairing my phone, we went to S11 to eat.

Halfway through our rojak, my aunt called to scream her head off at me. Why? Because she signed me up for tennis. Tennis. TENNIS. TEN-NIS. Leah & do NOT go together, y'know. =.= Okay, partly my fault because she told me a week ago. But she told it was at 8pm but I told her that 8pm is the time I get back from school.

She told me that she would change it to 9pm. Then I heard no confirmation so I assume that she hasn't done anything yet.

In any case, she told me to go home at that moment. I had to leave my dear rojak. (I couldn't eat another bite but my heart aches because I spent $8 on it >.<) Because I was rushing, I had to take a cab.

Guess what?

It was raining. Heavily.

I had to stand in the rain to try and grab a cab. Sadly, all the cabs went past me >.< So I was standing there like an idiot next to a bus stop (where I told a slightly sick Izyani to stand), having all the cabs go past me. Bus 81 came. Izyani was gonna take it. She told me to get on the bus, get off at another stop where there will be more cabs.

I complied. So I was the only idiot that was soaking wet in the bus =.=

Halfway through the journey, I decided to get off at the market area near my house, cross the bridge (on the full stomach and with the fear that I was gonna puke) and take the bus back home. I did.

When I reached home, guess what?

My aunt told me to go for NEXT WEEK'S LESSON. The bright side? At least I didn't waste money taking a cab.

Tuesday: Blah day. >.<

Wednesday (Today): I woke up with the most weirdest dream. I had a fight with someone (I can't remember who - most probably not important) and gave the person the cold shudder, running off...

...through the fields...

while I was running, I heard 'Oretachi no Seishun' by Takaki Yuya (from Hey! Say! JUMP) playing in the background. O.O TOO MUCH GOKUSEN *cough*TAKAKI*cough*

That wasn't it. The voice was different. More feminine. I looked around (not realizing that I could actually STOP the running) to try and find the source of the song.

I saw...

...Izyani...at the corner...with a set of microphone and headsets (that you use in the studio) on...The microphone was hanging in THIN AIR! O.O

She was singing with her soul. It sounded nice (even though she likes to purposely screech to make it as if she can't sing =.= - anyone can sing!).

Then I woke up, wondering what meds did I take? Then I remembered the panadol and anti-biotic pills I took before going to sleep. Must be that I took TOO MUCH >.< Mah mah...

The day went only with boredom, randomness and bleh-ness. And the AMK Hub 'repair center' was just a collection point. I have to head down to The frickin' Cathay tomorrow =.= screw Motorola...when I get more cash, I'm getting a Nokia phone back again! >.< I WANNA GET A DOCOMO PHONE!!!!

At night, I was talking on the phone with Izyani (yes, seems like I have no other friend than her - I KNOW) - more like a bitchfest - but yeah...After talking awhile, the phone disconnected. I called her back and blamed Kami-sama, saying that he hates me. What's creepy is that after I said that, the phone disconnected AGAIN. What luck. o.O

Then we talked for more than two hours. My ear was getting red so we decided to put down the phone. BRILLANT ME did it. Literally. I just put it down and went back to my computer game. NOTE: I forgot to press the 'End Call' button. So I happily played my game, singing to Kis-My-Ft2 wonderful sexy song 'FIRE BEAT'.

Then I received a text message from Izyani. Here's what she said: Oi woman! Put the phone to your ear.

I did. She was laughing her head off because she could hear me singing and while I was oblivious, she was screaming 'LEANDRA~! PUT DOWN THE PHONE!~' I too found the situation hilarious and burst out laughing. After calming down, we put down the phone and I did. For sure. Though it'll be funny as hell if I made the same mistake twice Lolz

Now, Izyani is panicking because PAYPAL hates her and she has to pay for something she bidded on EBay BY TOMORROW! The person she was lending the credit card from was SUPPOSED to meet her today but NoOoOo~ the person last minute decided: "Oh yes! I should tell her that I have a course today and can't make it, even though should know it a couple of days ago and even though I know that her last day to pay is by tomorrow or else she will get black-listed on Ebay!'

It's not like she won't pay you back! She has the money ready! And I don't know anyone else who has a credit card to borrow. >.< Not that everyone is so WILLING to lend. =.= We're not asking you for the card and the PIN number. That will be yours to keep. We just need you to pay (we won't look to see what your information is) and we'll pay you back. =.=

Typical Gokusen moment: "Adults can't be trusted." - Kame/Jin
I'll update on another day of my weird life. And hopefully finish my fic.

Genki dana! Ja ne!

takaki yuya, sux, retarded me, weird dream, motorola, paypal, ebay, lol

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