Feb 10, 2010 22:26
Valentines Day Approaches - No Pressure? - No Expectations?
"I was about half in love with her by the time we sat down.
That's the thing about girls.
Every time they do something pretty...you fall half in love with them,
and then you never know where the hell you are."
J.D. Salinger
Isn't this one of the truest quotations? So I'm left wondering if this year I'll be buying something traditional like flowers, chocolates or maybe something a bit more unique to match the essence of the person who occupies the centre my being. Seems my fictional heart has a new home. Perhaps I'll be buying a sword to soothe the adventurous soul of my hero; the object of my newest affection. Of course, she'd only laugh, knowing it was really all a game. An amusing game, but still just a game.
Ah love, may it find a way into your heart; your real heart.
Happy Valentine's Day Friends!
(late) night musings
valentines day lesbian