Jan 08, 2008 03:51
Hey guys! Well I'm finally back, though I really don't think that anyone is or will actually read this, so it's just for my own enjoyment. I really missed this place and now I'm actually testing this Live Writer that's something like Word but it actually posts the text to your blog, journal and stuff like that. I'm still trying to figure this thing out but until now it seems pretty damn fine to me. You can edit the font, add pictures, add tags, videos, maps and tables. So everything that Word does, just that this is so much better and I can use it for my journal. Even icon posts will be finished faster this way... oh no. Will the lj-cut work here?? I sure hope it will, because I really see myself posting regularly with this thing. It has a spell-check and I really need one, because my English is far from perfect and sometimes it's quite unreadable. This is it for tonight, I hope I'll finish the new post until tomorrow. Missed everyone here. Did you miss me? Not even a bit? That's too bed.