May 30, 2006 14:07
It feels kind of silly always updating about music. Oh well. The Boris/Sunn0))) concert was pretty awesome. Boris was damn good. The highlight of their act was when the guitar and bass players pulled electric razors out of their pockets and used them as picks. For about ten minutes. By the time they were finished with their set, my ears weren't just ringing, but everything I heard was cloaked by an analog hiss. Like six kids around me pulled out earplugs.
Sunn0))) was the highlight of the evening. They started things off with a slowly emerging, sputtering bass for a few minutes, sounding like some strange engine trying to catch. It got to a point where the entire room was vibrating. The curtains, the light fixtures, my clothes, my chest cavity, everything. And then came the droning guitars. And this went on, without pause, for an hour and fifteen minutes. There was plenty of mutations in that time, but the bass and guitars never let up. It turned into a religious revival after the smoke cleared and you could see five men wearing black robes on the stage. At the front and near the stage were kids raising their hands like they do at fundie Christian churches, towards the middle were the bespectacled, stone-faced indie kids, and towards the back were a bunch of people sitting down and lying on the floor. I decided to sit down, and the bass got even more intense. And then I closed my eyes, and lost all concept of time. The droning had pretty much everyone in a trance. I assume the majority of the people laying down were drunk/stoned/generally fucked up, but I could understand why. It was so... tranquil. I had been sitting down, eyes closed, hands under my chin, watching the neon lights under my lids flicker and drift with the music, when I was jolted out of my reverie by a reverberating scream. I stood up. The one hooded figure, who had been running a microphone around the rim of a gong, had assumed center stage and was letting this unearthly howl through his cupped hand into the mic, making the shriek sound like a banshee being raped and still having an orgasm. Trust me, that is a very accurate simile. So, the smoke rising, the lights red, he continued screaming and fell backwards into the crowd. Now, the venue is about the size of Walnut's stage, sans auditorium, and there's only like 50 people there, so pretty much everyone had to help this guy crowd surf. And the entire time he's still screaming. My hands were full, so I just stood back and thought how he would react if they dropped him. Those poor indie kids. They tossed him back on stage after he ran out of mic cord, and that was pretty much the climax. I had no idea how much time had passed until they were done. All in all, pretty amazing. While I've yet to hear any song of theirs I didn't like, I would have to say that they only way to really hear them is live. No bass system available on the market could rumble and shake you like that.