Apr 25, 2005 20:48
i had a dream one night and it was my best dream in a while. i was downtown in some city with my entire family. i was walking alone behind everyone and it was dark outside. i was taking in the lights and noticing the people around me when it hit me. i looked on my right and there was a beatup rusty red door. i dont know why but i decided to go in. i opened the door and went inside. it was an underground theater and there was people everywhere. red plush seats and benches and colored drinks and people were all smiling. i walked around a little wall and suddenly standing in front of me was ben gibbard. "hello caitlyn!" he said. he was so adorable in his little glasses and i gave him a big hug. he wasnt a stranger. and when we hugged, we touched my butt. i wanted to be like lacey and say, "ben gibbard touched my almost butt! but actually my real butt!" it was quite funny if i do say so myself. then ben told me he had to go get ready to play but he saved me a seat so i could watch from the front. it was my first death cab concert. he played my favorite song. and then i woke up.