Eleven Months of Night
This is the very first part of the NaNo novel. It's the first part of a very loooong prologue. Anyway ... hopefully this grabs your attention enough to want to read more! ;)
November 15th, 2007
She didn’t have time for this; they would surely be following her. She needed to go. She needed to get the hell out of here
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-Claire. Ok. Is that really the best way to get back at that dumb cheerleader? Letting your creepy ass boyfriend drop you? How did that sound like a good idea at any point? She is letting creepy boy manipulate her and I really really dislike that. God, West sucks. HATE HATE HATE. Someone on Television Without Pity says their favorite death scenario for West is for a plane to crash into him after Mr. Muggles breaks in to the air traffic control tower. YES!
-Sylar, Maya, Alejandro. I can't ship Sylar/Maya because I ship Sylar/Mohinder. BUT, I can see onesided Maya --> Gaaabrieeeelllll. Because he's totally playing her. But seriously, Maya, get a clue. Your dopey brother can sniff out that Gabrieeeellll is totally creepy. She needs to stop thinking with her crotch and figure out that this dude is seriously a murderous psychopath. But I totally want Sylar to kill Alejandro. I don't hate him, I just like Sylar in action. He'd have a totally hilarious line too. Like "Hasta la vista, me gusta your brain!"
-Mohinder. I love you, Mohinder, but Niki/Jessica is going to kick your ass.
-Niki. She doesn't get to do anything interesting. Maybe this will finally be her chance
-Peter and Caitlin. I'm so bored. Thank God they're out of Ireland, but they are just...I don't care
-Hiro and Kensei. Kensei is reverting to his old drunken mercenary ways. This is hot, but Hiro is just annoying me. Do you really want to ruin history to kiss Yaeko, who to me, hasn't come across as THAT interesting yet. She was only cool when she bitched out Kensei in the first episode, but otherwise? Meh
I don't care what happens with Mohinder and Niki, I just want lots more screentime with the both of them. HOTNESS OVERLOAD! XD
And I'm sick of Peter's storyline. Whatever. I'm over it. And Caitlin is beyyyyyyond annoying. :p
Claire and West: DO NOT WANT. West, go away NOW, kthnxbye.
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