May 21, 2006 00:34
Spent a good portion of my day mumbling under my breath about how Jan is crazy and/or on crack. Why? Because his final makes very little sense and is very difficult. He has things on there we only went over in passing and only for one day of class. How is my linguistics grade looking after this evil final? Well, let's just hope my As in everything else will balance it out. ^^;;
Also did a lot of cleaning and organizing today. Took down my LotR posters and the room looks so bare without them. But at least Malice Mizer and Johnny are still up to keep me happy. And yes, my cleaning spree was brought on by my need to vent some frustration. Pissy Will decided to IM me today and complain about how he almost got arrested again last night and how the girl he liked doesn't like him (nothing new there), even though he made her a ring. Then he made a comment about looking forward to having incoming freshman. Thank God I am not dating him.
On the bright side, Jess and I had a non pissy guy (read Justin) come and watch Final Fantasy" Advent Children with us. We had fun talking through it and making fun of Kadaj and his leaking mother. We also watched an episode of Ergo Proxy afterwards. It was nice to have an anime night; havn't had one in a long time. He also told us about how he woke up with some girl he didn't know in his bed. Apparently since he and his room mate don't lock their door some drunk girl had come into their room during the night! Yet another example of why locking the door is indeed a good and smart thing to do. *shakes head* Now if that had been either Jess or I that girl would have been smacked and screamed at. ^^;;
And lastly on the not so bright side, 1) I have my english final paper to write tomorrow and 2) it's going to rain and we're going to the Ren Faire. Oh joy, just what I want to do, trudge through mud and rain in my expensive costume. Me thinks I'll be wearing jeans and a hoodie. And my english paper is going to give me problems because it's creative and I have to get re-inspired to write about certain memories of mine. Those memories seem so far away from where I am now; I'm not sure I can write about them again. We shall see come tomorrow.