See this is what happens when you talk to the

Mar 24, 2007 09:46

This evening's question before the members in attendance was: "How does the 'GOD' [Genome Organizing Device] build a brain that can express an instinct?" Quotation by Matt Ridley author of "Nature via Nurture"
Intense discussion at first yielded merely tangents with no credible progress UNTIL a 52D from the 3rd Infantry Division came to the rescue? With all seriousness, he took up the challenge to articulate that in fact this compels us to look at "systems within systems?" Other questions were pondered as to "control has what to do with instinct?" "How are instincts fixed, if at all?" "A concrete answer is infinitely variable?" And my personal contribution, "Only the Creator of 'GOD' [Genome Organizing Device] could answer such a complex question?" Lastly, it was decided that the question at hand was not "defined?" as "instinct" is a system within a "free will" system? and as such, would require further definitions of "free will" and what forces within and without such an existing system exists before any attempt to reach any conclusions at all could be accomplished with all due sincerity?

It was a fun discussion non the less
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